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Installing MongoDB compass this may take a few minutes

It has been half an hour and it is still stuck at the same progress. My machine is Windows 7 and I have downloaded the Community Server 2008 R2 64-bit and later. Sreenshot

Does anyone know why? Do I really need Compass if I were to use it with Node.js? I'm new to MongoDB and node.js Please help. Thanks in advance

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jdotdoe Avatar asked Apr 22 '18 04:04


People also ask

How long does MongoDB compass take?

When you provide a connection string, Compass supports most Connection String Options supported by MongoDB. By default, Compass's default socketTimeoutMS value is 60000, or 60 seconds.

Why MongoDB compass is not working?

Compass must connect to a running MongoDB instance. Make sure you have installed MongoDB and have a running mongod process. You should also check that the port where your MongoDB instance is running matches the port you provide in the Compass connect dialog.

Is it necessary to install MongoDB compass?

It comes in handy as it does not require prior knowledge of MongoDB query syntax. But the application of MongoDB Compass is not limited to only visualizing the data but also can be used for query optimization, managing indexes, and validating documents.

How do I download MongoDB on Windows 10 64-bit?

Go to link and Download MongoDB Community Server. We will install the 64-bit version for Windows. Click on the “complete” button to install all of the components.

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1 Answers

Compass is a GUI client which can be used to manages collections, documents etc.

To do development in Node.JS (or any other programming language) you do not need Compass as it is a GUI tool which is a mongo client.

You can use mongo CLI client(Recommended). If you really need GUI tool, you can try Robo 3T.

Only MongoDB server + any client is needed for most web development. Any client can be used to configure it, like CLI or Robo 3T or compass.

Although, you even don't need local installation of mongoDB server. You can use a cloud database like MongoDB Atlas. It has all tools inbuilt as is very powerful. However I would still recommend doing a local installation of mongo server to avoid dependency of network while testing your app.

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Rishabh Agarwal Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 08:09

Rishabh Agarwal