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Installing font and making Windows aware

I have a function below which installs a font (.ttf) into Windows by copying it into the Windows font folder and then triggering the WM_FONTCHANGE message. However, that font does not immediately become visible across Windows Explorer.

After running this, when I open Fonts through the Control Panel, my font does not show there. And when I open C:\Windows\Fonts\ it does not show there either.

However I can confirm that my .ttf file is really there. Navigating here with the Command Prompt, I can see my font file. When I open the Character Map utility, my font is listed here. And the font is usable in my application. I have to restart explorer.exe to get it to show within the Windows Explorer views. I've even tried running my app as administrator (elevated), and still no luck.

I thought the WM_FONTCHANGE message was supposed to take care of this but apparently this is not doing the trick.

What am I missing in this Font Installation to make sure Windows is aware of it?

  SysUtils, ShlObj, ComObj, ActiveX;

function SystemDir(Handle: THandle; Folder: Integer): String;
  PIDL: PItemIDList;
  Path: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char;
  Result:= '';
  R:= SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(Handle, Folder, PIDL);
  if R = S_OK then begin
    if SHGetPathFromIDList(PIDL, Path) then
      Result:= StrPas(Path);

function InstallFont(Handle: THandle; const Filename: String): Boolean;
  Dir, FN: String;
  Result:= False;
  FN:= ExtractFileName(Filename);
  Dir:= IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(SystemDir(Handle, CSIDL_FONTS));
  Result:= FileExists(Filename);
  if Result then begin
    Result:= CopyFile(PChar(Filename), PChar(Dir + FN), False);


Result:= InstallFont(Application.Handle, 'C:\MyTestFont.ttf');


It was suggested in the comments of an answer below to install the font via the shell instead of Windows API. So, I wrote this function to essentially accomplish the same:

function InstallFont2(Handle: THandle; const Filename: String): Boolean;
  Result:= False;
  R:= ShellExecuteW(Handle, 'install', PWideChar(Filename), nil, nil, SW_HIDE);
  Result:= R > 32;

However this too is problematic. The return value is 31 (indicating an error) and when I call GetLastError it tells me 1155 ("No application is associated with the specified file for this operation.")

I also tried the particular resolution in the answer below, but to no avail. I both used AddFontResource and written the appropriate registry key - while trying combinations of uninstalling/restarting/retrying with this font installation.

like image 444
Jerry Dodge Avatar asked Feb 11 '23 20:02

Jerry Dodge

2 Answers

WM_FONTCHANGE only notifies applications of a new font in the system, but it doesn't actually tell the system what the new font is.

Before sending WM_FONTCHANGE you need to call AddFontResource to add the font to the system font table. If you want the font to remain after a reboot, you also need to add an entry to the registry key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts (see the documentation for AddFontResource for more information).

like image 151
Jonathan Potter Avatar answered Feb 13 '23 11:02

Jonathan Potter

I have just traced through exactly what Windows 7 does when it installs a font. Here is a summary:

  • If the font is a true-type font and its name doesn't already end with " (TrueType)" then it appends this.
  • If the font already exists, it can uninstall it in order to reinstall it:
    • It calls RemoveFontResourceW.
    • The registry entry describing the font, if any, is deleted out of SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts.
  • It takes the filename you are trying to install, and if that already exists in the Fonts directory, then it scans for a unique filename by repeatedly adding 1 to a counter and then formatting "basename_X.ttf" where X is in hexadecimal. So e.g. if "myfont_1.ttf" through "myfont_9.ttf" already exist, then it will try "myfont_A.ttf" next.
  • It copies the file you supplied to this free filename it has identified.
  • It calls AddFontResourceW on the target path.
  • It writes an entry to SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fonts based on the "(TrueType)"-qualified name of your font whose value is the target filename without path.
  • It does a thing I couldn't quite figure out, creating a PropertyStore and putting a bunch of values into it. I'm not sure what exactly it does with the resulting property store, but it calls it a FID.
  • It waits for 2 seconds by calling Sleep.
  • It calls PostMessageW(HWND_BROADCAST, WM_SETTINGSCHANGE, NULL, L"fonts")
  • It calls SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(CSIDL_FONTS) and then passes the resulting IDLIST into SHChangeNotify(SHCNE_UPDATEDIR, SHCNF_IDLIST, idlist, NULL).

I suspect it is these latter three that are crucial in getting the system to recognize the new font in other applications and in the Fonts folder.

like image 32
Jonathan Gilbert Avatar answered Feb 13 '23 11:02

Jonathan Gilbert