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Installing Compass & Sass on Dreamhost

I would like to get going with Compass and Sass on my Dreamhost webspace. Unfortunately it is not part of the provided standard gems so the installation appears to be more complicated. Does anyone have hands on experience with installing and running Compass and Sass on Dreamhost?

I'd appreciate any guidance.

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Bernd Avatar asked Oct 07 '10 22:10


People also ask

What is install compass in MongoDB?

install_compass ( Install-Compass in Windows) is a platform-specific installation script for MongoDB Compass. If downloaded as a part of the MongoDB Enterprise Server package, the install_compass script installs the standard edition of MongoDB Compass.

How do I install a compass globally?

Step: Download Compass. Compass. app is available for Windows, OS X and Linux. Go to http://compass.kkbox.com/ and download the app. After the download you can instantly run the tool without installation.

Where MongoDB compass is installed?

After installation, you will find the MongoDB compass icon on your desktop.

How do I update my compass?

You can enable automatic updates to the latest version of Compass on the Help > Privacy Settings dialog. MongoDB Compass does not install any updates without your explicit permission. Instead, Compass prompts you to upgrade when a new version is available.

1 Answers

I was facing a similar challenge - installing Sass/Compass on dreamhost shared account - but was able to figure out how to do it. I used these instructions for installing my own copy of RubyGems (although I'm not completely sure that was necessary). Then I just used the following two commands to install sass and compass:

gem install sass
gem install compass

It all went pretty smoothly.

like image 175
Lynnwood Brown Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 01:09

Lynnwood Brown