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Installing a Python program on Linux




I wrote a Python program. I would like to add to it an installation script that will set up everything necessary - like desktop icon, entry in the menu, home directory file, etc.

I'm working on Linux (ubuntu). When a Python program is installed, what needs to happen in general? I know that it probably depends on the nature of the program.

Can you give me some general ideas? Or, point me in the right direction? I have no idea how to look for this on Google.


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Honza Pokorny Avatar asked Apr 14 '10 06:04

Honza Pokorny

1 Answers

If it's a Python program you're trying to package, you should consider using its 'standard' distribution framework distutils. I can't replicate the entire document here but I'd recommend that you read it. Once you're done with that, check out the Hitchhikers guide to packaging which contains details on distribute - the extensions to distutils that allow you to package and distribute more effectively.

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Noufal Ibrahim Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 17:11

Noufal Ibrahim