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Installation of Firefox from Alpine Edge [closed]



I appear to be missing something when attempting to install Firefox from the Alpine Edge Repository

Firefox (Version 61.0.1-r0) Repo

as distinct from installing

Firefox-ESR (Version 52.8.1-r0) Repo

I perform the necessary repository modification as documented here which causes my repository to look like:


Following up with:

apk upgrade --update-cache --available

Works fine and does all the necessary pulls. However, when attempting:

apk add --no-cache firefox


ERROR: unsatisfiable constraints: firefox (missing): required by: world[firefox]

Which is what I would expect from the non-edge repositories. I'm sure I'm missing something simple and obvious. Suggestions?

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sturmstrike Avatar asked Aug 12 '18 06:08


2 Answers

For people who are stumbling upon this question, the 1 line answer is

apk --no-cache add --repository http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/testing firefox

This will create a single 1-time install of firefox using the test repo of the edge branch.

In order to figure out the right link, navigate to the APK package mirror. and put in a search for Firefox. The branch and repository will be populated and your dockerfiles can be updated accordingly.

Editing of the /etc/apk/repositories file will also achieve the same effect.

like image 152
zhqiat Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 16:10


Try with RUN apk add \ firefox-esr

like image 45
Valeria Scrilatti Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 16:10

Valeria Scrilatti