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Installation Guzzle in Laravel 5

how to Install Guzzle into Laravel 5? I'm using laravel for my project, but I need library like guzzle to made me easy using curl in laravel. Any Body can help?

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Rahman Avatar asked Jul 31 '15 08:07


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Does guzzle use cURL?

Guzzle has historically only utilized cURL to send HTTP requests. cURL is an amazing HTTP client (arguably the best), and Guzzle will continue to use it by default when it is available. It is rare, but some developers don't have cURL installed on their systems or run into version specific issues.

2 Answers

Open a terminal, change into your laravel projects root dir and type

composer require guzzlehttp/guzzle

Alternatively, you can add


to your composer.json file's require section and run composer update.

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baao Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 10:10


Via composer, cd into your laravel's project root directory, then

composer require guzzlehttp/guzzle

That's much it. Now guzzle is installed and ready to use.

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FaizFizy Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 08:10
