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'Installation failed: Could not create directory.' I get this error everytime i try to download plugin in wp 4.8

I am getting error accessing my admin panel. The error is due to plugin. I fixed the issue by renaming the plugin folder from cpanel and changed it back. Since then,i couldn't download any plugins and get the error

Installation failed: Could not create directory.

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Logic Tenacity Avatar asked Nov 30 '22 15:11

Logic Tenacity

2 Answers

You need to set permission on plugin folder/directory, now the user does not have permission to create folder/directory in plugin folder/directory.

You need to set permission on wp-content and all inside folder/directory to 755.

You can set permission via terminal

sudo chmod -R 755 wp-content

wp-content should me you folder path for Linux server path should be /var/www/html/project_folder/wp-content


you can set permission via FTP. Right click on wp-content folder click on permission menu and set 755 permission to the folder.

like image 69
Vishal Gupta Avatar answered Dec 04 '22 10:12

Vishal Gupta

The permissions or ownership on wp-content/plugins is incorrect. That directory should have a 775 permission set. If its already that then reapply 755 and checked “apply recursively to all directories and files.

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Sudhir Tiwari Avatar answered Dec 04 '22 09:12

Sudhir Tiwari