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Install rPython under windows

I tried to install rPython under windows with install.packages("rPython"). However I am getting an error that the package does not exist.

Warning in install.packages :
  package rPython is not available (for R version 3.2.5)

In the installation doc of the package I can only find this:

On a Windows system, the package can only be installed from source at this time. Details to come.

Is there a work-around to work with Python in R?

like image 232
Peter Avatar asked Apr 20 '16 12:04


People also ask

How do I run Python under Windows?

To install Python using the Microsoft Store: Go to your Start menu (lower left Windows icon), type "Microsoft Store", select the link to open the store. Once the store is open, select Search from the upper-right menu and enter "Python". Select which version of Python you would like to use from the results under Apps.

Where should I install Python on Windows?

Python will be installed into the Program Files directory. The Python Launcher for Windows will be installed into the Windows directory. Optional features may be selected during installation.

1 Answers

Try 'rPython-win' if you use windows. rPython works in Linux.


like image 118
hyunwoo jeong Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 19:11

hyunwoo jeong