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install python and make in cygwin


I have installed Cygwin Terminal in OS Windows. But I need to install also python and make in cygwin.All of these programs are needed to run petsc library. Does Someone know how to install these components in cygwin?

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Nurlan Avatar asked May 15 '12 08:05


People also ask

Does make work on Cygwin?

When you get to the screen that lets you select packages to install, find make and select it (it's probably under "Development" or something similar). Then you'll be able to run make from the Cygwin bash command line. It is in the package make: The GNU version of the 'make' utility .

How install apt get in Cygwin?

cyg-apt: downloading: http://cygwin.mirrors.pair.com/setup-2.bz2 cyg-apt: downloading: http://cygwin.mirrors.pair.com/setup-2.ini cyg-apt: bad URL http://cygwin.mirrors.pair.com/setup-2.ini, exiting. The file is available in the source repository.

Does Cygwin have a package manager?

There is no package management in Cygwin outside of the setup program. The setup only applies updates to your current installation, it does not overwrite packages than what you already have. So if you want new packages just rerun the setup program to install packages. Save this answer.

3 Answers

To install Python 2: run https://cygwin.com/setup-x86.exe or https://cygwin.com/setup-x86_64.exe and select:

enter image description here

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Franck Dernoncourt Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 04:10

Franck Dernoncourt

Look into cygwin native package manager, devel category. You should find make and python there.

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spacediver Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 02:10


After running into this problem myself, I was overlooking all of the relevant answers saying to check the setup.exe again. This was the solution to me, there are a few specific things to check.

  1. Check /bin for "make.exe". If it's not there, you have not installed it correctly
  2. Run the setup.exe. Don't be afraid, as new package installs append to your installation and do not over write
  3. In the setup.exe, make sure you run the install from the Internet and NOT your local folder. This was where I was running into problems. Search "make" and make sure you select to Install it, do not leave this as "Default".
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root Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 02:10
