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install psycopg2 for conda fails (windows)

I would like to use psycopg2 (2.5.2) with conda (miniconda 3.0.5) on a Windows 8 machine. I am able to install it with a windows installer and it works with python and idle but I can't get it to run with ipython notebook or ipython. The command "conda install psycopg2" returns Error: No packages found matching: psycopg2. Do you have any advice?

Thank you for your help, Nick

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user3403354 Avatar asked Dec 11 '22 07:12


1 Answers

Try searching for the package with binstar:

C:\Anaconda>binstar search -t conda psycopg2

You may need to install the Binstar command line client with

conda install binstar

The command line search doesn't show "Platforms", so you will likely want to use web search:


Follow the link for the package name that matches your platform and the next page will show the conda install command for that Binstar package. For example:

conda install -c https://conda.binstar.org/jonrowland psycopg2

like image 95
Dan Dye Avatar answered Dec 16 '22 08:12

Dan Dye