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Install node extensions without commands

I am doing an internship in a company.
I need to create a node server.
I installed node on the computer (Windows) and I should install some plugins like:
   - nodejs-webpack
   - colors
   - uglify

Normally I need to enter a command like : npm install "theModule"
But the software can not access the internet (due to company restrictions) and support service can not authorize the software (or do not want).

Can I install modules in any other way ? (download from Google and slide archives in the correct folder for example).

If the answer is no, do you know how can i get around this security?

like image 537
Antoine Duval Avatar asked Mar 17 '23 08:03

Antoine Duval

1 Answers

You need a private npm repository.

Check out this answer:

can you host a private repository for your organization to use with npm?

like image 137
Tom Teman Avatar answered Mar 29 '23 09:03

Tom Teman