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Install gitk on Mac

People also ask

Does GITK work on Mac?

Gitk is an old, but trusted, Git repository browser. On macOS the software is not readily available to the end user, but with the help of a third party package manager such as Homebrew, Gitk can be easily installed.

Is git pre installed on Mac?

Git can be installed on the most common operating systems like Windows, Mac, and Linux. In fact, Git comes installed by default on most Mac and Linux machines!

Where is git GUI on Mac?

Basically all you need to do is type 'open . ' to open the current directory in Finder and then click the Git button to open up git gui.

Correct, the (Apple Git-37) does not come with gitk. You can install a more recent version of git + git-ui as a separate formula by using brew. More thorough instructions located here: http://www.moncefbelyamani.com/how-to-install-xcode-homebrew-git-rvm-ruby-on-mac/ (see this commit extracting git-gui/gitk into its own formula: https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/commit/dfa3ccf1e7d3901e371b5140b935839ba9d8b706)

Run the following commands at the terminal:

brew update
brew install git
brew install git-gui

If you get an error indicating it could not link git, then you may need to change permissions/owners of the files it mentions.

Once completed, run:

type -a git

And make sure it shows:


If it does not, run:

brew doctor

And make the path change to put /usr/local/bin earlier in the path. Now, gitk should be on your path (along with an updated version of git).

Git Mac version comes without gitk but if you do brew install git you get instant access to gitk.

I'm using MAC sierra 10.12.5

Edit: This doesn´t work anymore, you must install brew install git-gui

I just had the same problem and solved it as follows:

  1. Download the official git package for Mac from http://git-scm.com/download/mac
  2. Install the package. This places all the binaries in /usr/local/git/bin.
  3. Optionally run the included script to make gitk accessible outside of terminals
  4. Either add /usr/local/git/bin to your PATH or use an alias (alias gitk='/usr/local/git/bin/gitk')

If you already have git installed via homebrew, you can just do upgrade:

$ type -a git
$ brew upgrade git
$ type -a git

The one at local/bin will have gitk

I had the same issue. I installed gitx instead.

You can install gitx from here.


Download the package and install it. After that open the gitk from spotlight search, goto the top left corner. Click on GitX and enable the terminal usage.

Goto your repo and simply type:

$ gitx --all

It will open the Gui.

User manual: http://gitx.frim.nl/user_manual.html