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Install and setup BlueOcean for Jenkins

I want to install Blue Ocean for Jenkins. Can anyone tell me the steps to do this.

like image 766
leena Avatar asked Jul 01 '16 09:07


People also ask

What is Blueocean in Jenkins?

"" Blue Ocean is a new user experience for Jenkins based on a personalizable, modern design that allows users to graphically create, visualize and diagnose Continuous Delivery (CD) Pipelines ""

What is Blueocean plugin?

Designed from the ground up for Jenkins Pipeline and compatible with Freestyle jobs, Blue Ocean reduces clutter and increases clarity for every member of your team through the following key features: Sophisticated visualizations of CD pipelines for fast and intuitive comprehension of software pipeline status.

How do I get stage view in Jenkins?

When you run some builds, the stage view will appear with Checkout, Build, and Test columns, and one row per build. When hovering over a stage cell you can click the Logs button to see log messages printed in that stage: after the preceding stage step and before the next one.

1 Answers

Enable the experimental update centre by changing the url under manage plugins > advanced > update site to


Check for updates by clicking “check now”. Enable the (Alpha) BlueOcean plugin.

like image 146
Ruud Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 02:10
