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Instagram API: how can I have multiple redirect_uris for a single app?

I'm quite familiar with OAuth 2 for other providers, but haven't used it for Instagram before.

Like many developers, I have multiple domains where my app may run, eg:


Other OAuth 2 providers I have used, eg, Google, allow multiple entries in a redirect_uris parameter.

However Instagram only seems to allow a single Redirect URI parameter per registered app.

Can I have multiple redirect URIs for a single Instagram app or do I have to register multiple apps, each with a different redirect URI?

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mikemaccana Avatar asked May 08 '13 12:05


1 Answers

With Instagram apps that I have created, I have created a separate app per place I want to redirect to, although I haven't discriminated by ssl. I then load the api credentials into the app based on the environment it is running in.

It is a pain that you have to do that, as Instagram also restrict you to 5 registered apps per account too. It would be useful to be able register multiple redirects for that reason. But on the other hand, it would be just as good, for me, to not be restricted to the number of apps you can create (I've got more Twitter apps than I even remember creating!).

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philnash Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 04:10
