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Inspect webkit-input-placeholder with developer tools




People also ask

How do you inspect placeholder styles?

Check the "Show user agent shadow DOM" checkbox and reload your page. You should now see the placeholder html output in your dev tools when you view the elements tab. Clicking on the placeholder html will bring up the applied styles for you to view or edit.

What is MS input placeholder?

:-ms-input-placeholderThe placeholder text is displayed with the specified style until the field has focus, meaning that the field can be typed into. When the field has focus, it returns to the normal style of the input field and the placeholder text disappears.

I figured it out.

The trick is to enable 'Show user agent shadow DOM' in the Settings panel of Chrome Developer Tools:

enter image description here

To get to settings, click the "⋮" button at the top right of your Dev Tools panel, then click Settings, and it's under the default Preferences tab.

With that, you can now see it:

enter image description here

  1. For Google Chrome Version 69:
  2. Open Inspect Elements: On Mac ⌘ + Shift + C, on Windows / Linux Ctrl + Shift + C OR F12.
  3. Click the "⋮" button at the top right then Go to settings
  4. In settings click on Preferences > Click on Show user agent Shadow DOM

The below images show the process:

Go to settings > Preferences:
Go to settings > Preferences

Click on Show user agent Shadow DOM:
enter image description here

View the CSS of placeholder:
enter image description here