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Inspect element that only appear when other element is mouse overed/entered

People also ask

How can I inspect an element which disappears when my mouse moves away?

Just go to Sources-> Event Listener Breakpoints-> Mouse-> mousedown in Chrome.

How do I set hover inspect?

Right-click the Hover Over Me! text and select Inspect. In the Styles tab, click :hov. Check the :hover checkbox.

It's fairly easy in Chrome 38.0.2094.0.

Here's what it'll look like:


  1. Open the DevTools in the Sources panel
  2. Make the tooltip appear by hovering over the button
  3. Press F8 to freeze the page
  4. Switch to the Elements panel and use the magnifying glass icon in the top left to select the tooltip

If the tooltip shows up because of CSS, here's what you can do in that case:


  1. Open the DevTools
  2. Select the triggering element in the dev tools (the link)
  3. Right click, and select "force element state", and select ":hover"
  4. Inspect the CSS tooltip

Both Safari's and Chrome's Web Inspector offers checkboxes where you can toggle the :active, :focus, :hover and :visited state of an element. Using those might be even easier.


The checkboxes in Safari


The checkboxes in Chrome

There's also another tricky way to do it :

  1. Go over the element which makes your tooltip appear.
  2. Right click to open the contextual menu.
  3. Move your mouse to your dev tool window and left click anywhere in the dev tool panel.

Your tooltip will stay visible, you will then be able to inspect it in the Element tab.

Tested on Chrome. Doesn't seem to work on Firefox.

While @SomeGuy's answer is excellent (t-up for animated gifs), as an alternative you can always do it programmatically. Just pop open the console and type in the event name

document.getElementById('id').dispatchEvent(new Event('event-type'));

(with pure javascript specific syntax may vary by browser)

Even easier with jQuery:


In your example (http://getbootstrap.com/javascript/#tooltips), open the console and type in, for example:

$("button:contains('Tooltip on right')").mouseenter();

And the tooltip appears in the DOM and can be manually inspected/modified:

<div style="top: 14406.9px; left: 1048.25px; display: block;"
id="tooltip952596" class="tooltip fade right in" role="tooltip">
<div style="" class="tooltip-arrow"></div>
<div class="tooltip-inner">Tooltip on right</div></div>

As in the comments, if you move the mouse pointer over the page frame, you can trigger other events such as mouseout. To prevent this you can press F8 (as in the acc. answer) or type debugger; (which is its script equivalent)