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Inserting values to a table using generic dictionary

Coding Platform: ASP.NET 2.0 WebForms with C# with MySQL as backend


I am currently working on a bug fixing a website.
One of the table "registrations" have 80 columns.

The Insert/ Update is done through simple sql statements without any parameterized queries.


At registration, the user can vary many parameters resulting in atleast 15 kinds of INSERT query. My problem is how to ensure all fields are inserted with their correct value.

So, I created a

Dictionary<string, string> fields = new Dictionary<string, string>();

fields.Add("LoginEmail", MySQL.SingleQuoteSQL(txtLoginEmail.Text));
fields.Add("Password", MySQL.SingleQuoteSQL(txtLoginPassword.Text));

fields.Add("ContactName", MySQL.SingleQuoteSQL(txtContactName.Text));
fields.Add("City", MySQL.SingleQuoteSQL(txtCity.Text));

My idea was to make a simple insert query like this

INSERT INTO registrations("all keys as comma separated string") VALUES ("all keys as comma separated string") 

My questions are

  1. Is Dictionary the best data structure to implement this?
  2. Does the sorting of keys by generic Dictionary changes key-value indices at the query?
  3. Best method to fetch all keys into an array and the corresponding values to another matching array.

And also, what are the other better approaches?

P.S: I am maintaining the code and Making an Entity Class mapping the columns to properties and storing the values is not an option in this.

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naveen Avatar asked Dec 06 '22 22:12


2 Answers

 string list<T>(IEnumerable<T> enumerable)
   List<T> list = new List<T>(enumerable);
   return string.Join(",", list.ToArray());

string sql= String.Format("INSERT INTO registrations({0}) VALUES({1})",
like image 136
Mark Cidade Avatar answered Dec 20 '22 15:12

Mark Cidade

I think the dictionary structure is ok in this case but

building and executing the string as is allows for SQL Injection atacks

xkcd.com/327/ Exploits Of A Mom

I am using .NET 3.5 but the idea can be applied to .NET 2.0 also

If MySQL.SingleQuoteSQL does more than it's name suggest then please let me know

Otherwise add the values as parameters to prevent this

var values = new Dictionary<string, string>() {
  {"LoginEmail", "LoginEmail"},
  {"Password", "Password"},
  {"ContactName", "ContactName"},
  {"City", "City"}

System.Func<string, string> key = p => String.Concat("?", p);

var statement = string.Format("INSERT INTO registrations ({0}) VALUES ({1})", 
  string.Join(",", values.Values.ToArray()),
  string.Join(",", values.Keys.Select(key).ToArray())

//"INSERT INTO registrations (LoginEmail,Password,ContactName,City) VALUES (?LoginEmail,?Password,?ContactName,?City)"  

foreach(var p in values) {
  command.Parameters.Add(key(p.Key), p.Value, SqlDbType.Text);


They may be other better classes for .NET mysql, apologies if so - I haven't used mysql in .NET
like image 35
James Kyburz Avatar answered Dec 20 '22 16:12

James Kyburz