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Inserting an email address into a table field




// write student record
$query = "INSERT INTO Student (SLastName, SFirstName, SeMail, SGrade, SPhone, SCell, SLunch)".
" VALUES ($LastName, $FirstName, $email, $grade, $phone, $cell, $lunch)";
echo $query . '<br />';
$result = mysql_query($query);
if (!$result)
     die("Error inserting Student record: ". mysql_error());

INSERT INTO Student (SLastName, SFirstName, SeMail, SGrade, SPhone, SCell, SLunch)
VALUES (Weiner, Wendy, [email protected], 12, 2123334444, 8458765555, 5)

Error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '@gmail.com, 12, 2123334444, 8458765555, 5)' at line 1

Server version: 5.0.91-community

like image 550
Steph Avatar asked Aug 18 '10 22:08


2 Answers

Shouldn't that be

INSERT INTO Student (SLastName, SFirstName, SeMail, SGrade, SPhone, SCell, SLunch)
VALUES (Weiner, Wendy, '[email protected]', 12, 2123334444, 8458765555, 5)

i. e. with the email address in quotes?

like image 167
Frank Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 10:10


You are inviting a visit from little Bobby Tables by using user-supplied data unescaped in a SQL query.

Either use mysql_real_escape_string to defang the input, or use PDO to do it better.

like image 21
Borealid Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 09:10
