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Inserting a Link to a Webpage in an IPython Notebook

People also ask

How do you reference a link in Jupyter Notebook?

Internal hyperlinks, i.e. within the same notebook, can be implemented with a mixture of Markdown and HTML. Just add the anchor to the Markdown cell you want to refer to, and link to it using standard Markdown syntax. and the reference can be like: For more details, see [Section 1](#section_1).

How do I embed code in Jupyter markdown?

Press Esc key, type m for markdown cell, press Enter key. The cursor is now in the markdown cell waiting for instructions. Type your code or paste a code block.

How do I load files into IPython?

Starting from IPython 3 (now Jupyter project), the notebook has a text editor that can be used as a more convenient alternative to load/edit/save text files. A text file can be loaded in a notebook cell with the magic command %load. If you execute a cell as shown below. Hope this is helpful!

For visual learners.


Thanks dbliss.

In case it is not a markdown cell, that is with what I went:

from IPython.core.display import display, HTML
display(HTML("""<a href="https://google.at">text</a>"""))

Just another tip, using magic expression.

<a href="your_url_here">Showing Text</a>

Improved. Thanks to the comment of calocedrus.

Here is the code I use in my python notebook when I want to insert a link to a webpage inside a markdown cell (in a python notebook).


--note Here is the clickable hyperlink, you can change the value

This might help too, if you're looking to display a link programmatically.

from IPython.display import display, Markdown

I also tried

display(HTML("""<a href="https://www.google.com>google</a>"""))

But somehow I was getting the object printed out, instead of the rendered version.