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Insert string at specified position




Is there a PHP function that can do that?

I'm using strpos to get the position of a substring and I want to insert a string after that position.

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Alex Avatar asked Nov 24 '11 02:11


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If you want a very simple and short solution to insert string into another string use: substr_replace ( $string , $replacement , $start , 0 ). The key here is zero, and because we set $length to zero this function will have the effect of inserting the replacement into the string.

2 Answers

$newstr = substr_replace($oldstr, $str_to_insert, $pos, 0); 


In the above snippet, $pos is used in the offset argument of the function.

If offset is non-negative, the replacing will begin at the offset'th offset into string.

If offset is negative, the replacing will begin at the offset'th character from the end of string.

like image 91
urmaul Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 05:09


$str = substr($oldstr, 0, $pos) . $str_to_insert . substr($oldstr, $pos); 

substr on PHP Manual

like image 25
Tim Cooper Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 05:09

Tim Cooper