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Insert row in middle of DataGridView (C#)

I would like to insert a new DataGridViewRow into my DataGridView at a specific index. If I just create a new Row like

DataGridViewRow dgwr = new DataGridViewRow();
datagridview1.Rows.Insert(index, dgwr);

I will not get the "settings" of the DataGridView, like for example my "Cells" will be 0. This does not happen if I use.


But then again, then I cant chose where in the list I would like my post...

Is there anyway to combine these advantages?


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Nick3 Avatar asked Mar 26 '12 06:03


People also ask

How to insert row in DataGridView c#?

DataGridViewRow dgwr = new DataGridViewRow(); datagridview1. Rows.

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For adding new row to the gridview has some concern. Do you previously have some datasource in the gridview or not ? If you have some datasource previously and then you need to save the datasource in viewstate and before adding a new row you need to extract previous data in the gridview and then add a new row.

2 Answers

grid.Rows.Insert(index, 1);
var addedRow = grid.Rows[index];

This inserts 1 empty templated row at 'index', and then simply accesses row in 'index'. The 2nd line is for accessing the just-now-added row.

Can also shorten if you know your wished row values with:

grid.Rows.Insert(index, FirstName, LastName, BirthDate, Etc);

Just have to make sure it is synced with the columns order in the grid, and it makes the row automatically with these fields.

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SimpleVar Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 15:09


DataGridView and DataGridRowView are just visual representations of your data source and one row in your data source. A new visual row should be displayed in your DataView after a new row is added to your data source.

If you want to get the view row when new row is added handle RowsAdded event.

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Karel Frajták Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 15:09

Karel Frajták