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Insert into vector with conditional iterator




Say I have a vector with various entries, which I want to insert into another vector, while leaving out entries that satisfy a condition.

For example, I want to insert a vector while leaving out all three's.

{1, 3, 2, 3, 4, 5, 3} -> { /* previous content, */ 1, 2, 4, 5}

What I came up with so far uses std::partition, which does not preserve the relative order and rearranges the source vector.

std::vector<int> source({1, 3, 2, 3, 4, 5, 3});
std::vector<int> target;

auto partition = std::partition(std::begin(source),
                   std::end(source), [](const auto& a) { return a == 3; });
target.insert(std::begin(target), partition, std::end(source));

What I am looking for is more of an iterator that checks a condition and moves on if the condition is not satisfied. Something like this:

              conditional_begin(source, [](const auto& a) { return a != 3; }),

I suppose a conditional_end function would be necessary, since std::end would return a different iterator type than conditional_begin.

Maybe I have overlooked something, so my questions are:

  • Does the standard library provide something similar?
  • Is there a different easy way to achieve my goal?
  • Is there an easy way to implement the conditional iterator functionality?
like image 712
KorbenDose Avatar asked Jul 30 '18 13:07


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The C++ function std::vector::insert() extends vector by inserting new element at position in container. Reallocation happens if there is need of more space. This function increases container size by one.

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Adding to the front of a vector means moving all the other elements back. If you want (to constantly perform) front insertion, you might really want to use list or deque . The only way to know how to speed up your program is with profiling.

1 Answers

Is there a different easy way to achieve my goal?

Yes, the standard already has this functionality built in. The function you are looking for is std::copy_if.

std::vector<int> source({1, 3, 2, 3, 4, 5, 3});
std::vector<int> target;

             std::back_inserter(target), [](auto val){ return val != 3; });

Here, std::back_inserter(target), will call push_back on target for each element that the predicate returns true.

like image 182
NathanOliver Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 20:10
