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INSERT into table and UPDATE foreign key in another table (Sql Server 2008)

I have two tables, TableA and TableB like this:

|  id  |  some_data  | new_FK_column_on_B |
| ---- | ----------- | ------------------ |
|   1  |     ...     |        null        |
|  ... |     ...     |        null        |
|  999 |     ...     |        null        |

|  id  |  some_other_data  |
| ---- | ----------------- |
|      |                   |

At the moment, TableB is empty, and FK column in TableA is null for all rows. I need to write one-time initializing scrit to populate TableB and initialize FK column for some rows (criterial, not for all) in TableA by identifiers from rows, inserted in TableB.

I know two ways to do this:

1) using while and scope_identity(), inserting new row into TableB and updating TableA on each iteration, while exists rows in TableA, which should be updated

while (exists (select 1 from TableA where [condition]))
    insert into TableB (some_other_data) values ('some_other_data')

    update TableA set new_FK_column_on_B
    where id = (select top 1 id from TableA where [condition])

2) create temp column in TableB, storing id of row in TableA, for which it was inserted, and then update TableA using join

alter table TableB add temp int

insert into TableB (some_other_data, temp) select 'some_other_data', id from TableA where [condition]

update TableA
set new_FK_column_on_B = b.id
from TableB as b
join TableA as a on a.id = b.temp

alter table TableB drop column temp

Also I was trying to use somehow output from insert like this, but it's syntax is incorrect:

update TableA
set new_FK_column_on_B =
    select insertedId from 
        insert into TableB (some_other_data)
        output inserter.id as insertedId
        values ('some_other_data')
where [condition]

Is there any easier way to do this whithout using while or modifing any table?

like image 960
ds1709 Avatar asked Jul 29 '16 09:07


People also ask

How do you insert data into a table that has a foreign key?

If you are inserting data into a dependent table with foreign keys: Each non-null value you insert into a foreign key column must be equal to some value in the corresponding parent key of the parent table. If any column in the foreign key is null, the entire foreign key is considered null.

Can we update foreign key in a table?

The FOREIGN KEY Constraint is a column or list of columns which points to the PRIMARY KEY of another table. you cannot simply update either child or parent table information in a Foreign Key relationship and that's the the purpose of it. If you want to update them, you have to enable, Update CASCADE on Parent table.

Can I add a foreign key to an existing table SQL?

Creating a foreign key in an existing table requires ALTER permission on the table.

How can I add foreign key values to a table in SQL Server?

To create a new table containing a foreign key column that references another table, use the keyword FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES at the end of the definition of that column. Follow that with the name of the referenced table and the name of the referenced column in parentheses.

1 Answers

I found this question when searching for a solution a similar case. The only difference was that I wanted to fill TableB with an row for each row in TableA (no where-clause).

I found a solution to the third option you suggeted (using output from insert), however, since you are using INSERT with data from a SELECT, you cannot use the OUTPUT clause. This pointed me in the right direction:

DECLARE @MyTableVar table(tableBId int, tableAId int)

using TableA AS AP
on 1=0
           Output inserted.ID, AP.ID INTO @MyTableVar;

update TableA set new_FK_column_on_B = (select tableBId from @MyTableVar where tableAId = TableA.ID)

Be aware that executing this a seconds time will create new entries in TableB. If you only want to create new rows in TableB, where there is no foreign key set in TableA, you can use this script:

DECLARE @MyTableVar TABLE(tableBId int, tableAId int)

ON A.new_FK_column_on_B = B.id
           OUTPUT inserted.ID, AP.ID INTO @MyTableVar;

UPDATE TableA SET new_FK_column_on_B = (
   SELECT tableBId
   FROM @MyTableVar
   WHERE tableAId = TableA.ID )
WHERE TableA.new_FK_column_on_B IS NULL;
like image 100
Eirik Fauske Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 18:09

Eirik Fauske