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Insert Docker parent host ip into container's hosts file



I'm new to Docker and trying to understand what is the best way to insert docker parent host ip into container hosts file.

I'm using the following command in my Dockerfile

RUN /sbin/ip route|awk '/default/ { print $3,"\tdockerhost" }' >> /etc/hosts

but sometimes hosts ip get change so its non relevant anymore...

The reason to do that, if you ask yourself, is that i need to access another 2 dockers containers (and link not offer this feature).


like image 851
Idan Gozlan Avatar asked Nov 11 '14 11:11

Idan Gozlan

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The answer is: you can configure it. Create the container with --network host and it will use the host ip. There are other modes. Refer to the documentation above.

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1 Answers

The --add-host option is made for this. So, in your docker run command, do something like:

docker run --add-host dockerhost:`/sbin/ip route|awk '/default/ { print  $3}'` [my container]
like image 70
Bryan Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 02:11
