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input type="file", clearing file after clicking cancel in chrome

<input type="file"/> The file and it path is cleared after clicking cancel in 'choose file' modal window in chrome, in FF and IE file stays untouched after pressing cancel. Is there any way to change this behavior in chrome?

like image 854
Powerslave Avatar asked Jul 22 '13 23:07


People also ask

How can you tell if a file is canceled and clicked on input?

The easiest way is to check if there are any files in temporary memory. If you want to get the change event every time user clicks the file input you can trigger it. Show activity on this post. In my case i had to hide submit button while users were selecting images.

How do I reset clear file input?

To reset a file input in React, set the input's value to null in your handleChange function, e.g. event. target. value = null . Setting the element's value property to null resets the file input.

How do you cancel an upload in HTML?

It's readonly in IE8 onwards, so you can't clear it. The simplest way around this security feature is to replace the element with a copy.

1 Answers


Here is a work around, so that Chrome cannot remove the users existing file when cancel is pressed.

Code Notes: This makes a clone of the Dom Element when User opens the file chooser if there is already a file selected. Then if the user does click cancel in chrome it fires the change Event Listener and the value Will be "", so in that specific case I remove the now empty file chooser, and restore the clone.

Note: each file chooser Dom Element needs a unique id, so that the clone can be stored and retrieved properly.

Note: Most of the code is just logging, to show how things work, specifically I wanted to highlight that if you use the inline event listeners in the Dom Element such as onclick="fileClicked(event)" then you do not need to re-attach event listeners to the clone.

<!doctype html><html><head></head><body>

<h2>Fix for Chrome Removing File when 'cancel' clicked</h2>

Upload Image: <input id="imageUpload" type="file" onclick="fileClicked(event)" onchange="fileChanged(event)">
<label for="videoUpload">Upload Video:</label> <input id="videoUpload" type="file" onclick="fileClicked(event)" onchange="fileChanged(event)">
<div id="log"></div>

<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
    //This is All Just For Logging:
    var debug = true;//true: add debug logs when cloning
    var evenMoreListeners = true;//demonstrat re-attaching javascript Event Listeners (Inline Event Listeners don't need to be re-attached)
    if (evenMoreListeners) {
        var allFleChoosers = $("input[type='file']");
        function addEventListenersTo(fileChooser) {
            fileChooser.change(function (event) { console.log("file( #" + event.target.id + " ) : " + event.target.value.split("\\").pop()) });
            fileChooser.click(function (event) { console.log("open( #" + event.target.id + " )") });

    var clone = {};

    // FileClicked()
    function fileClicked(event) {
        var fileElement = event.target;
        if (fileElement.value != "") {
            if (debug) { console.log("Clone( #" + fileElement.id + " ) : " + fileElement.value.split("\\").pop()) }
            clone[fileElement.id] = $(fileElement).clone(); //'Saving Clone'
        //What ever else you want to do when File Chooser Clicked

    // FileChanged()
    function fileChanged(event) {
        var fileElement = event.target;
        if (fileElement.value == "") {
            if (debug) { console.log("Restore( #" + fileElement.id + " ) : " + clone[fileElement.id].val().split("\\").pop()) }
            clone[fileElement.id].insertBefore(fileElement); //'Restoring Clone'
            $(fileElement).remove(); //'Removing Original'
            if (evenMoreListeners) { addEventListenersTo(clone[fileElement.id]) }//If Needed Re-attach additional Event Listeners
        //What ever else you want to do when File Chooser Changed


like image 167
Nick Timmer Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09

Nick Timmer