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Input text into html input box using vba




I am trying to input a value into a from on an internet explorer page using VBA. I have seen similar posts but can't seem to pinpoint my problem. I am somewhat fluent with VBA but HTML is new to me. The ID attributes change on the webpage I am accessing every time you load the page. Here is a shot of the HTML element I am trying to access:

<input type="text" size="20" style="text-align: right; width: 261px;" autocomplete="off"    id="ext-comp-1067" name="user_numbers.1.number_1" class="x-form-text x-form-field x-form- num-field" title="">

The code I am currently using is here:

    Sub OpenWebPage()

    Dim ObjCollection As Object
   Dim i As Long
Dim objElement As Object
Dim doc As Object
Dim form As Object

    Dim ie As Object
    ie.Navigate "!/view/dashboards/dashboard-1"
    ie.Visible = True
    While ie.Busy

    Application.Wait Now + TimeValue("00:00:10")

 Set ObjCollection = ie.Document.getElementsByName("user_numbers.1.number_1").Value = "123"

End sub

The name "user_number.1.number_1" I think is the only element in the html that I can use to find this input box, the ID changes every time you open the webpage. How do I got about entering a value in this field?

Thank you!

like image 302
user3107346 Avatar asked Dec 16 '13 13:12


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1 Answers

As sid mentioned, you have an extra "=" sign.


Set ObjCollection = ie.Document.getElementsByName("user_numbers.1.number_1").Value = "123"


ie.Document.getElementsByName("user_numbers.1.number_1")(0).Value = "123"

This is just off my head and not tested code. If this doesn't work replace (0) in the above code with (1).

If there is no other element on the page with the same name then this will work. Otherwise replace (0) in the above statement with appropriate ordinal position.

like image 51
Pradeep Kumar Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 03:09

Pradeep Kumar