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Inline youtube video doesn't work in cordova application on iOS

I develop a mobile application with cordova, and I really need to be able to play inline youtube video.

I tried to resolve it for a while:

  • I set the attribute playsinline to 1 in the youtube iframe API

  • I put <preference name="AllowInlineMediaPlayback" value="true"/> in my config.xml

  • Then I set AllowsInlineMediaPlayback to true in the plist in Xcode

  • I even try to put webkit-playsinline directly on the iframe

The results are weird. When I play my video the first time, it goes fullscreen. So I inspect my HTML via the remote developer tools to check if the attribute is well set. It is! I do as I would edit it, I leave it without modification, and the magic happen: my video plays inline!

Obviously, I can't ask my users to do this trick.

Someone have an idea to solve this out?

It's kind of an emergency issue...

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Elindorath Avatar asked Sep 29 '22 14:09


2 Answers

There are several conf files in the folder cordova, the one that worked in my case with IOS is /Staging/config.xml Try to add to this conf file: preference name = "AllowsInlineMediaPlayback" value = "true"

like image 59
Patrice Tardif Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 15:10

Patrice Tardif

More specifically you can add this in preference as @Patrice Tadrif mentioned in above answer in Cordova config.xml

<platform name="ios">
    <preference name="AllowsInlineMediaPlayback" value="true">
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Richen Yadav Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 16:10

Richen Yadav