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Inline popup/tooltip at React Semantic UI

I'm following an example from official documentation to create a simple Popup: https://react.semantic-ui.com/modules/popup

So here is my current code which works very well:

export default (state, methods) => {
  const { trigger, handleTooltipOpen, handleTooltipClose } = methods;

  return (
    <Popup className={ `tooltip ${ state.className }` } trigger={ trigger } open={ state.tooltipShown }
      onOpen={ handleTooltipOpen } onClose={ handleTooltipClose }
      on="hover" hideOnScroll>
        <p>Popup Text</p>

But by default it appends the popup to the end of <body> (which is very confusing to me). Is there any way how to specify where exactly to append the popup, or some kind of inline option?

P.S. I've added a link to sandbox where you can replicate an issue - just open it in responsive mobile mode and click through.

like image 336
Vytalyi Avatar asked Jul 04 '18 09:07


1 Answers

The Popup component actually uses the Portal component to render it into a portal and another React tree. That means all of the props available on the Portal component are also available on a Popup. If you do not want your popup portal to mount on the <body> you can specify a mountNode prop on your Popup that will have it mount elsewhere.

like image 178
brianespinosa Avatar answered Nov 11 '22 12:11
