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Inline functions - what are they exactly vis-a-vis the inline keyword?

In this link, what is an inline function and what is the inline keyword is explained. I'm reading through it because I realized I've never understood the meaning of these two concepts and how they should be used in practice. I'm quoting and commenting from the link I provided

An inline function or inline variable (since C++17) is a function or variable (since C++17) with the following properties:

1) There may be more than one definition of an inline function or variable (since C++17) in the program as long as each definition appears in a different translation unit. For example, an inline function or an inline variable (since C++17) may be defined in a header file that is include'd in multiple source files.

Here I already have understanding problems, declaration is the specification of new identifiers like

void func(void); 

while a definition is the actual implementation, including the body

void func(void) {   //some code... } 

The point 1) means that I can give different implementation as long as they're in different translation units (i.e. one implementation per header e per source files), but I'm puzzled in the case I have a source file source.cc with a declaration for func and an header file with another declaration of func the translation unit is the pair source.cc+header.h and in such a case having declared two times func doesn't make any sense, is that right?

2) The definition of an inline function or variable (since C++17) must be present in the translation unit where it is accessed (not necessarily before the point of access).

This is the usual case where I separate definition from declaration, the first in an header file, the second one is in the source file, if I need to use the function I have to include only the header right? The access point would be provided by the source during the linking phase, correct?

3) An inline function or variable (since C++17) with external linkage (e.g. not declared static) has the following additional properties: 1) It must be declared inline in every translation unit. 2) It has the same address in every translation unit.

Could you provide a simple example of what this means? I can't picture a practical case of such a case. The case 3) states that the keyword inline is mandatory unless the function to be declared is static.

Is everything I said so far correct?

In practice a function should be inline when such a function is very small, but not always the compiler would inline the function declared as inline, for example if it has loops inside or recursion (Effective C++ states so). In general then it's compiler dependent, I the wonder now...

Say I have two functions the first one is self-contained (it doesn't internally call any-other function), the second one call's the first one (you can assume they're both 10 lines for sake of argument). Should both of them declared inline? should they be declared in an header file? or should I separate definition in an header file and the implementation in an source file? What would be better?

Edit 1:

Following one of the answer is better if I work by examples, with related assembly code analysis.

I removed the previous code because it was meaningless (the -O3 flag optimization wasn't set).

I start again... I have 5 files header.h,src.cc, src1.cc, src2.cc and main.cc. For each translation unit the related assembly code is posted.

I've manipulated such files in three different ways and later observed the assembly code generated, this helped me to understand how the inline keyword works.

Example 1:


#ifndef HEADER_H_ #define HEADER_H_  int func(int a, int b); int test_1(); int test_2();  #endif /* HEADER_H_ */ 


#include "header.h"  int func(int a, int b) {    return a + b; } 


#include "header.h"  int test_1() {    int a, b, c;    a = 3;    b = 7;    c = func(a, b);    return c; } 


#include "header.h"  int test_2() {    int a, b, c;    a = 7;    b = 8;    c = func(a, b);    return c; } 


int main(int argc, char** argv) {    test_1();    test_2();    test_1();    test_2(); } 

Assembly 1:


GAS LISTING /tmp/cc0j97WY.s             page 1      1                    .file   "src.cc"    2                    .text    3                    .align 2    4                    .p2align 4,,15    5                .globl _Z4funcii    6                    .type   _Z4funcii, @function    7                _Z4funcii:    8                .LFB2:    9 0000 8D043E        leal    (%rsi,%rdi), %eax   10 0003 C3            ret   11                .LFE2:   12                    .size   _Z4funcii, .-_Z4funcii   13                .globl __gxx_personality_v0   14                    .section    .eh_frame,"a",@progbits   15                .Lframe1:   16 0000 1C000000      .long   .LECIE1-.LSCIE1   17                .LSCIE1:   18 0004 00000000      .long   0x0   19 0008 01            .byte   0x1   20 0009 7A505200      .string "zPR"   21 000d 01            .uleb128 0x1   22 000e 78            .sleb128 -8   23 000f 10            .byte   0x10   24 0010 06            .uleb128 0x6   25 0011 03            .byte   0x3   26 0012 00000000      .long   __gxx_personality_v0   27 0016 03            .byte   0x3   28 0017 0C            .byte   0xc   29 0018 07            .uleb128 0x7   30 0019 08            .uleb128 0x8   31 001a 90            .byte   0x90   32 001b 01            .uleb128 0x1   33 001c 00000000      .align 8   34                .LECIE1:   35                .LSFDE1:   36 0020 14000000      .long   .LEFDE1-.LASFDE1   37                .LASFDE1:   38 0024 24000000      .long   .LASFDE1-.Lframe1   39 0028 00000000      .long   .LFB2   40 002c 04000000      .long   .LFE2-.LFB2   41 0030 00            .uleb128 0x0   42 0031 00000000      .align 8   42      000000   43                .LEFDE1:   44                    .ident  "GCC: (GNU) 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-54)"   45                    .section    .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits 


GAS LISTING /tmp/cchSilt1.s             page 1      1                    .file   "src1.cc"    2                    .text    3                    .align 2    4                    .p2align 4,,15    5                .globl _Z6test_1v    6                    .type   _Z6test_1v, @function    7                _Z6test_1v:    8                .LFB2:    9 0000 BE070000      movl    $7, %esi    9      00   10 0005 BF030000      movl    $3, %edi   10      00   11 000a E9000000      jmp _Z4funcii   11      00   12                .LFE2:   13                    .size   _Z6test_1v, .-_Z6test_1v   14                .globl __gxx_personality_v0   15                    .section    .eh_frame,"a",@progbits   16                .Lframe1:   17 0000 1C000000      .long   .LECIE1-.LSCIE1   18                .LSCIE1:   19 0004 00000000      .long   0x0   20 0008 01            .byte   0x1   21 0009 7A505200      .string "zPR"   22 000d 01            .uleb128 0x1   23 000e 78            .sleb128 -8   24 000f 10            .byte   0x10   25 0010 06            .uleb128 0x6   26 0011 03            .byte   0x3   27 0012 00000000      .long   __gxx_personality_v0   28 0016 03            .byte   0x3   29 0017 0C            .byte   0xc   30 0018 07            .uleb128 0x7   31 0019 08            .uleb128 0x8   32 001a 90            .byte   0x90   33 001b 01            .uleb128 0x1   34 001c 00000000      .align 8   35                .LECIE1:   36                .LSFDE1:   37 0020 14000000      .long   .LEFDE1-.LASFDE1   38                .LASFDE1:   39 0024 24000000      .long   .LASFDE1-.Lframe1   40 0028 00000000      .long   .LFB2   41 002c 0F000000      .long   .LFE2-.LFB2   42 0030 00            .uleb128 0x0   43 0031 00000000      .align 8   43      000000   44                .LEFDE1:   45                    .ident  "GCC: (GNU) 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-54)"   46                    .section    .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits 


GAS LISTING /tmp/cc2JMtt3.s             page 1      1                    .file   "src2.cc"    2                    .text    3                    .align 2    4                    .p2align 4,,15    5                .globl _Z6test_2v    6                    .type   _Z6test_2v, @function    7                _Z6test_2v:    8                .LFB2:    9 0000 BE080000      movl    $8, %esi    9      00   10 0005 BF070000      movl    $7, %edi   10      00   11 000a E9000000      jmp _Z4funcii   11      00   12                .LFE2:   13                    .size   _Z6test_2v, .-_Z6test_2v   14                .globl __gxx_personality_v0   15                    .section    .eh_frame,"a",@progbits   16                .Lframe1:   17 0000 1C000000      .long   .LECIE1-.LSCIE1   18                .LSCIE1:   19 0004 00000000      .long   0x0   20 0008 01            .byte   0x1   21 0009 7A505200      .string "zPR"   22 000d 01            .uleb128 0x1   23 000e 78            .sleb128 -8   24 000f 10            .byte   0x10   25 0010 06            .uleb128 0x6   26 0011 03            .byte   0x3   27 0012 00000000      .long   __gxx_personality_v0   28 0016 03            .byte   0x3   29 0017 0C            .byte   0xc   30 0018 07            .uleb128 0x7   31 0019 08            .uleb128 0x8   32 001a 90            .byte   0x90   33 001b 01            .uleb128 0x1   34 001c 00000000      .align 8   35                .LECIE1:   36                .LSFDE1:   37 0020 14000000      .long   .LEFDE1-.LASFDE1   38                .LASFDE1:   39 0024 24000000      .long   .LASFDE1-.Lframe1   40 0028 00000000      .long   .LFB2   41 002c 0F000000      .long   .LFE2-.LFB2   42 0030 00            .uleb128 0x0   43 0031 00000000      .align 8   43      000000   44                .LEFDE1:   45                    .ident  "GCC: (GNU) 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-54)"   46                    .section    .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits 


GAS LISTING /tmp/cc5CfYBW.s             page 1      1                    .file   "main.cc"    2                    .text    3                    .align 2    4                    .p2align 4,,15    5                .globl main    6                    .type   main, @function    7                main:    8                .LFB2:    9 0000 4883EC08      subq    $8, %rsp   10                .LCFI0:   11 0004 E8000000      call    _Z6test_1v   11      00   12 0009 E8000000      call    _Z6test_2v   12      00   13 000e E8000000      call    _Z6test_1v   13      00   14                    .p2align 4,,5   15 0013 E8000000      call    _Z6test_2v   15      00   16 0018 31C0          xorl    %eax, %eax   17 001a 4883C408      addq    $8, %rsp   18                    .p2align 4,,1   19 001e C3            ret   20                .LFE2:   21                    .size   main, .-main   22                .globl __gxx_personality_v0   23                    .section    .eh_frame,"a",@progbits   24                .Lframe1:   25 0000 1C000000      .long   .LECIE1-.LSCIE1   26                .LSCIE1:   27 0004 00000000      .long   0x0   28 0008 01            .byte   0x1   29 0009 7A505200      .string "zPR"   30 000d 01            .uleb128 0x1   31 000e 78            .sleb128 -8   32 000f 10            .byte   0x10   33 0010 06            .uleb128 0x6   34 0011 03            .byte   0x3   35 0012 00000000      .long   __gxx_personality_v0   36 0016 03            .byte   0x3   37 0017 0C            .byte   0xc   38 0018 07            .uleb128 0x7   39 0019 08            .uleb128 0x8   40 001a 90            .byte   0x90   41 001b 01            .uleb128 0x1   42 001c 00000000      .align 8   43                .LECIE1:   44                .LSFDE1:   45 0020 14000000      .long   .LEFDE1-.LASFDE1   46                .LASFDE1:   47 0024 24000000      .long   .LASFDE1-.Lframe1   48 0028 00000000      .long   .LFB2   49 002c 1F000000      .long   .LFE2-.LFB2   50 0030 00            .uleb128 0x0   51 0031 44            .byte   0x4   52                    .long   .LCFI0-.LFB2   53 0032 0E            .byte   0xe GAS LISTING /tmp/cc5CfYBW.s             page 2     54 0033 10            .uleb128 0x10   55 0034 00000000      .align 8   56                .LEFDE1:   57                    .ident  "GCC: (GNU) 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-54)"   58                    .section    .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits 

Example 2:


#ifndef HEADER_H_ #define HEADER_H_  inline int func(int a, int b) {    return a + b; } int test_1(); int test_2();  #endif /* HEADER_H_ */ 


#include "header.h"  /* int func(int a, int b) {    return a + b; }*/ 


#include "header.h"  int test_1() {    int a, b, c;    a = 3;    b = 7;    c = func(a, b);    return c; } 


#include "header.h"  int test_2() {    int a, b, c;    a = 7;    b = 8;    c = func(a, b);    return c; } 


int main(int argc, char** argv) {    test_1();    test_2();    test_1();    test_2(); } 

Assembly 2:


GAS LISTING /tmp/cczLx8os.s             page 1      1                    .file   "src.cc"    2                    .ident  "GCC: (GNU) 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-54)"    3                    .section    .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits 


GAS LISTING /tmp/ccMFMy9s.s             page 1      1                    .file   "src1.cc"    2                    .text    3                    .align 2    4                    .p2align 4,,15    5                .globl _Z6test_1v    6                    .type   _Z6test_1v, @function    7                _Z6test_1v:    8                .LFB3:    9 0000 B80A0000      movl    $10, %eax    9      00   10 0005 C3            ret   11                .LFE3:   12                    .size   _Z6test_1v, .-_Z6test_1v   13                .globl __gxx_personality_v0   14                    .section    .eh_frame,"a",@progbits   15                .Lframe1:   16 0000 1C000000      .long   .LECIE1-.LSCIE1   17                .LSCIE1:   18 0004 00000000      .long   0x0   19 0008 01            .byte   0x1   20 0009 7A505200      .string "zPR"   21 000d 01            .uleb128 0x1   22 000e 78            .sleb128 -8   23 000f 10            .byte   0x10   24 0010 06            .uleb128 0x6   25 0011 03            .byte   0x3   26 0012 00000000      .long   __gxx_personality_v0   27 0016 03            .byte   0x3   28 0017 0C            .byte   0xc   29 0018 07            .uleb128 0x7   30 0019 08            .uleb128 0x8   31 001a 90            .byte   0x90   32 001b 01            .uleb128 0x1   33 001c 00000000      .align 8   34                .LECIE1:   35                .LSFDE1:   36 0020 14000000      .long   .LEFDE1-.LASFDE1   37                .LASFDE1:   38 0024 24000000      .long   .LASFDE1-.Lframe1   39 0028 00000000      .long   .LFB3   40 002c 06000000      .long   .LFE3-.LFB3   41 0030 00            .uleb128 0x0   42 0031 00000000      .align 8   42      000000   43                .LEFDE1:   44                    .ident  "GCC: (GNU) 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-54)"   45                    .section    .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits 


GAS LISTING /tmp/ccNXXmLv.s             page 1      1                    .file   "src2.cc"    2                    .text    3                    .align 2    4                    .p2align 4,,15    5                .globl _Z6test_2v    6                    .type   _Z6test_2v, @function    7                _Z6test_2v:    8                .LFB3:    9 0000 B80F0000      movl    $15, %eax    9      00   10 0005 C3            ret   11                .LFE3:   12                    .size   _Z6test_2v, .-_Z6test_2v   13                .globl __gxx_personality_v0   14                    .section    .eh_frame,"a",@progbits   15                .Lframe1:   16 0000 1C000000      .long   .LECIE1-.LSCIE1   17                .LSCIE1:   18 0004 00000000      .long   0x0   19 0008 01            .byte   0x1   20 0009 7A505200      .string "zPR"   21 000d 01            .uleb128 0x1   22 000e 78            .sleb128 -8   23 000f 10            .byte   0x10   24 0010 06            .uleb128 0x6   25 0011 03            .byte   0x3   26 0012 00000000      .long   __gxx_personality_v0   27 0016 03            .byte   0x3   28 0017 0C            .byte   0xc   29 0018 07            .uleb128 0x7   30 0019 08            .uleb128 0x8   31 001a 90            .byte   0x90   32 001b 01            .uleb128 0x1   33 001c 00000000      .align 8   34                .LECIE1:   35                .LSFDE1:   36 0020 14000000      .long   .LEFDE1-.LASFDE1   37                .LASFDE1:   38 0024 24000000      .long   .LASFDE1-.Lframe1   39 0028 00000000      .long   .LFB3   40 002c 06000000      .long   .LFE3-.LFB3   41 0030 00            .uleb128 0x0   42 0031 00000000      .align 8   42      000000   43                .LEFDE1:   44                    .ident  "GCC: (GNU) 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-54)"   45                    .section    .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits 


GAS LISTING /tmp/cc2cc5rp.s             page 1      1                    .file   "main.cc"    2                    .text    3                    .align 2    4                    .p2align 4,,15    5                .globl main    6                    .type   main, @function    7                main:    8                .LFB3:    9 0000 4883EC08      subq    $8, %rsp   10                .LCFI0:   11 0004 E8000000      call    _Z6test_1v   11      00   12 0009 E8000000      call    _Z6test_2v   12      00   13 000e E8000000      call    _Z6test_1v   13      00   14                    .p2align 4,,5   15 0013 E8000000      call    _Z6test_2v   15      00   16 0018 31C0          xorl    %eax, %eax   17 001a 4883C408      addq    $8, %rsp   18                    .p2align 4,,1   19 001e C3            ret   20                .LFE3:   21                    .size   main, .-main   22                .globl __gxx_personality_v0   23                    .section    .eh_frame,"a",@progbits   24                .Lframe1:   25 0000 1C000000      .long   .LECIE1-.LSCIE1   26                .LSCIE1:   27 0004 00000000      .long   0x0   28 0008 01            .byte   0x1   29 0009 7A505200      .string "zPR"   30 000d 01            .uleb128 0x1   31 000e 78            .sleb128 -8   32 000f 10            .byte   0x10   33 0010 06            .uleb128 0x6   34 0011 03            .byte   0x3   35 0012 00000000      .long   __gxx_personality_v0   36 0016 03            .byte   0x3   37 0017 0C            .byte   0xc   38 0018 07            .uleb128 0x7   39 0019 08            .uleb128 0x8   40 001a 90            .byte   0x90   41 001b 01            .uleb128 0x1   42 001c 00000000      .align 8   43                .LECIE1:   44                .LSFDE1:   45 0020 14000000      .long   .LEFDE1-.LASFDE1   46                .LASFDE1:   47 0024 24000000      .long   .LASFDE1-.Lframe1   48 0028 00000000      .long   .LFB3   49 002c 1F000000      .long   .LFE3-.LFB3   50 0030 00            .uleb128 0x0   51 0031 44            .byte   0x4   52                    .long   .LCFI0-.LFB3   53 0032 0E            .byte   0xe GAS LISTING /tmp/cc2cc5rp.s             page 2     54 0033 10            .uleb128 0x10   55 0034 00000000      .align 8   56                .LEFDE1:   57                    .ident  "GCC: (GNU) 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-54)"   58                    .section    .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits 

Example 3:


#ifndef HEADER_H_ #define HEADER_H_  inline int func(int a, int b) {    return a + b; } inline int test_1() {    int a, b, c;    a = 3;    b = 7;    c = func(a, b);    return c; } inline int test_2() {    int a, b, c;    a = 7;    b = 8;    c = func(a, b);    return c; }  #endif /* HEADER_H_ */ 


#include "header.h"  /* int func(int a, int b) {    return a + b; }*/ 


#include "header.h"  /*int test_1() {    int a, b, c;    a = 3;    b = 7;    c = func(a, b);    return c; }*/ 


#include "header.h"   /*int test_2() {    int a, b, c;    a = 7;    b = 8;    c = func(a, b);    return c; }*/ 


int main(int argc, char** argv) {    test_1();    test_2();    test_1();    test_2(); } 

Assembly 3:


GAS LISTING /tmp/ccfPkzMC.s             page 1      1                    .file   "src.cc"    2                    .ident  "GCC: (GNU) 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-54)"    3                    .section    .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits 


GAS LISTING /tmp/cckRkoWG.s             page 1      1                    .file   "src1.cc"    2                    .ident  "GCC: (GNU) 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-54)"    3                    .section    .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits 


GAS LISTING /tmp/ccfmb3gI.s             page 1      1                    .file   "src2.cc"    2                    .ident  "GCC: (GNU) 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-54)"    3                    .section    .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits 


GAS LISTING /tmp/ccGBsR8z.s             page 1      1                    .file   "main.cc"    2                    .text    3                    .align 2    4                    .p2align 4,,15    5                .globl main    6                    .type   main, @function    7                main:    8                .LFB5:    9 0000 31C0          xorl    %eax, %eax   10 0002 C3            ret   11                .LFE5:   12                    .size   main, .-main   13                .globl __gxx_personality_v0   14                    .section    .eh_frame,"a",@progbits   15                .Lframe1:   16 0000 1C000000      .long   .LECIE1-.LSCIE1   17                .LSCIE1:   18 0004 00000000      .long   0x0   19 0008 01            .byte   0x1   20 0009 7A505200      .string "zPR"   21 000d 01            .uleb128 0x1   22 000e 78            .sleb128 -8   23 000f 10            .byte   0x10   24 0010 06            .uleb128 0x6   25 0011 03            .byte   0x3   26 0012 00000000      .long   __gxx_personality_v0   27 0016 03            .byte   0x3   28 0017 0C            .byte   0xc   29 0018 07            .uleb128 0x7   30 0019 08            .uleb128 0x8   31 001a 90            .byte   0x90   32 001b 01            .uleb128 0x1   33 001c 00000000      .align 8   34                .LECIE1:   35                .LSFDE1:   36 0020 14000000      .long   .LEFDE1-.LASFDE1   37                .LASFDE1:   38 0024 24000000      .long   .LASFDE1-.Lframe1   39 0028 00000000      .long   .LFB5   40 002c 03000000      .long   .LFE5-.LFB5   41 0030 00            .uleb128 0x0   42 0031 00000000      .align 8   42      000000   43                .LEFDE1:   44                    .ident  "GCC: (GNU) 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-54)"   45                    .section    .note.GNU-stack,"",@progbits 

Example 1 and example 3 are the ones I'm particularly interested in, because they should highlight somehow what is the difference between an inline function and a not inline function (following the points 1,2 and 3 of the link I posted above), I don't see any lack of properties in the not inline functions compared to the inline version. Can someone highlight the difference for me (again in terms of the points 1,2 and 3)?

like image 967
user8469759 Avatar asked Jan 05 '17 17:01


People also ask

What does the inline keyword do?

The inline keyword tells the compiler to substitute the code within the function definition for every instance of a function call. Using inline functions can make your program faster because they eliminate the overhead associated with function calls.

What does inline keyword do in C?

In an inline function, a function call is replaced by the actual program code. Most of the Inline functions are used for small computations. They are not suitable for large computing. An inline function is similar to a normal function. The only difference is that we place a keyword inline before the function name.

Which keyword is used to declare an inline function?

Explanation of the Program In the above program, the function setNum() is declared as an inline function using the keyword “inline”. This function simply returns an integer. When a call to this inline function is made, the compiler replaces the calling statement with the definition of the inline function setNum().

2 Answers

Maybe a few examples would help.

1. Traditional compiled library


extern int x; int * f(); 


#include "foo.h"  int x = 25;  int * f() { return &x; } 

Users include foo.h and need to link in the translation unit containing foo.cpp in order to call f. Every such call returns the same address.

2. Separate, TU-local variables


static int x = 35; static int * f() { return &x; } 

Every TU that includes foo.h gets a separate and distinct function f, calling which results in a unique value per TU.

3. Baby's first ODR violation


static int x = 45; inline int * f() { return &x; } 

This appears to be a header-only library, but if foo.h is included in more than one TU, this constitutes an ODR violation, since f would be defined more than once but not all of its definitions would be identical.

This is a common mistake. Workarounds include things like making x a template or replacing x with a function like int & x() { static int impl = 45; return impl; }. Note that if you omit the static, you would most likely get a linker error because of multiple definitions of x; static seemingly "makes the code compile".

4. C++17 to the rescue: Proper header-only libraries


inline int x = 55; inline int * f() { return &x; } 

This version is functionally equivalent to (1), but does not require a dedicated translation unit to contain the definitions of x and f.

like image 178
Kerrek SB Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 07:09

Kerrek SB

The point 1) means that I can give different implementation as long as they're in different translation units

No, it says you can have more than one implementation. It does not say they can be different. The implementations must all be identical.

I'm puzzled in the case I have a source file source.cc with a declaration for func and an header file with another declaration of func the translation unit is the pair source.cc+header.h and in such a case having declared two times func doesn't make any sense, is that right?

You can declare a function as many times as you like, in as many translation units as you like, regardless of whether or not it is inline. Inline is not a factor here.

2) The definition of an inline function or variable (since C++17) must be present in the translation unit where it is accessed.

This is the usual case where I separate definition from declaration, the first in an header file, the second one is in the source file, if I need to use the function I have to include only the header right? The access point would be provided by the source during the linking phase, correct?

No, the definition of an inline function must be present in every TU that uses it, before the linking phase. It is the purpose of inline functions to allow definitions in multiple TUs; you use inline when you want to put the definition of a function in a header.

The case 3) states that the keyword inline is mandatory unless the function to be declared is static.

No, it doesn't say that at all, I don't know how you could have interpreted it that way. It just says that an inline static function has internal linkage, and an inline non-static function has external linkage, and subpoints 3.1 and 3.2 apply to inline functions with external linkage.

In practice a function should be inline when such a function is very small, but not always the compiler would inline the function declared as inline, for example if it has loops inside or recursion (Effective C++ states so). In general then it's compiler dependent, I the wonder now...

Say I have two functions the first one is self-contained (it doesn't internally call any-other function), the second one call's the first one (you can assume they're both 10 lines for sake of argument). Should both of them declared inline? should they be declared in an header file? or should I separate definition in an header file and the implementation in an source file? What would be better?

Whether or not the optimizer will perform inline substitution of a function body is not strongly correlated with whether it is an inline function. The optimizer will figure out for itself whether to perform inline substitution of a function, regardless of whether or not it is an inline function. You declare functions inline if you want to put their definition in a header.

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Oktalist Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 07:09
