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"Inline" Class Instantiation in PHP? (For Ease of Method Chaining)


An idiom commonly used in OO languages like Python and Ruby is instantiating an object and chaining methods that return a reference to the object itself, such as:

s = User.new.login.get_db_data.get_session_data

In PHP, it is possible to replicate this behavior like so:

$u = new User();
$s = $u->login()->get_db_data()->get_session_data();

Attempting the following results in syntax error, unexpected T_OBJECT_OPERATOR:

$s = new User()->login()->get_db_data()->get_session_data();

It seems like this could be accomplished using static methods, which is probably what I'll end up doing, but I wanted to check the lazyweb: Is there actually a clean, simple way to instantiate PHP classes "inline" (as shown in the above snippet) for this purpose?

If I do decide to use static methods, is it too sorcerous to have a class's static method return an instantiation of the class itself? (Effectively writing my own constructor-that-isn't-a-constructor?) It feels kind of dirty, but if there aren't too many scary side effects, I might just do it.

I guess I could also pre-instantiate a UserFactory with a get_user() method, but I'm curious about solutions to what I asked above.