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Injecting dependencies into AuthorizeAttribute in a class library

I've run into an interesting design issue with a class library I am writing. I have a custom implementation of the AuthorizeAttribute that I want clients to be able to use like this:


In the above code, PermissionAttribute inherits from AuthorizeAttribute and uses a local default (DefaultContext created using HttpContext).

Behind the scenes, the attribute uses a SecurityService to check users, roles and permissions against (the SecurityService itself uses a client-provided persistence service that they can wire up in the composition root of their app).

So my attributes need a reference to the SecurityService to function. Since Attribute constructors can only have compile-time constants, I cannot use constructor injection.

I don't want to force my clients to use a DI framework - they should be able to discover and wire up the necessary dependencies in their composition root without using an IoC library, if they so choose.

Here are my options:

  • Have the library use a singleton SecurityService.
  • Use property injection, which would work but
    1. it would make the dependency seem optional, which it is not and
    2. I don't know where I can do property injection in an MVC app on an authorize attribute.

A possible solution to 2. above is to do set an instance of SecurityService as a static property on the attribute at application startup and use a guard clause to prevent it from being set more than once, like this:

class ProtectedAttribute : ...
    private static ISecurityService _SecurityService ;
    public static ISecurityService SecurityService
            return _SecurityService ;
            if (_SecurityService != null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("You can only set the SecurityService once per lifetime of this app.") ;
            _SecurityService = value ;

The SecurityService could be an abstract service facade so that it can be extended/replaced by a different implementation.

Is there a better way to solve this problem?

UPDATE: Adding some code to show how I am going to do it:

Add a public property on the attribute that returns the permission name:

public class ProtectedAttribute : ...
  private string _Permission ;
  public string Permission { get { return _Permission ; } /*...*/ }

  public ProtectedAttribute(string permission) { /*...*/ }

Setup an authorization filter and configure dependency via Ninject (if using Ninject):

using Ninject.Web.Mvc.FilterBindingSyntax;

public class MyModule : Ninject.Modules.NinjectModule
  public override void Load()
    // mySecurityService instance below can have a singleton lifetime - perfect!
    this.BindFilter<MyAuthorizationFilter>(FilterScope.Action, 0)
        .WithConstructorArgument("securityService", mySecurityService)
        .WithConstructorArgumentFromActionAttribute<ProtectedAttribute>("permission", p => p.PermissionName) ;

Ohhh it's...beautiful sniffle

like image 983
Shashi Penumarthy Avatar asked Jan 06 '12 15:01

Shashi Penumarthy

1 Answers

With ASP.NET MVC 3 you could use constructor injection with action filters thanks to the new IFilterProvider. This way you no longer need to decorate your controller actions with action filters. You could apply them thanks to this interface and using a marker attribute.

And if you don't wanna bother implementing it manually you could always use an existing DI framework such as Ninject which provides a fluent way to define action filter dependencies.

like image 151
Darin Dimitrov Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 15:10

Darin Dimitrov