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Injecting code into APK

I know you can decompile code using apktool and recompile it again, but my question is how would you be able to inject large amounts of code into an apk and execute it.

I see that amazon's appstore drm is doing this Im assuming, since they say they are wrapping the apk with their own code, and once you decompile that apk you see that they have added there own class com.amazon etc.

How are they acheving this?

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Faisal Abid Avatar asked Apr 29 '11 07:04

Faisal Abid

People also ask

Can code be extracted from apk?

Jadx decompiles the code in a given APK to java source files. Use apktool. Apktool is a command line tool which extracts resources and decompiles code into smali for a given apk. You can recompile using apktool also.

How do I manipulate an apk file?

To edit the files inside, you'll need to decompile (and then recompile) the package using APKtool on a computer. Editing APK files requires knowledge of Java, as well as the file systems on both Windows and Android. This should only be done by advanced users.

What is apk coding?

An APK (Android Package Kit) is the file format for applications used on the Android operating system. APK files are compiled with Android Studio, which is the official integrated development environment (IDE) for building Android software. An APK file includes all of the software program's code and assets.

3 Answers

Just for the fun of it, I downloaded an apk from the Amazon store (I never used it before tonight) and decompiled it. You won't find much in the manifest, but there's a whole folder of Amazon classes inside the smali tree. The mechanisms that Amazon uses largely exceed my very limited understanding, but I can point you to some data.

Update: the apps require the Amazon appstore apk to be installed in order to function, so the classes below uses some amazon activity to check for the drm.


$apktool d xxx.apk
$cd xxx/smali
$grep -RHin 'amazon' *


First, you might want to take a look at

.class public Lcom/amazon/mas/kiwi/util/ApkHelpers;

with its methods:

.method public static getApkSignature(Ljava/lang/String;)[B
.method private static getCodeSigners(Ljava/util/jar/JarFile;)[Ljava/security/CodeSigner;
.method public static getContentID(Ljava/util/jar/JarFile;)Ljava/lang/String;
.method public static getContentIDFromName(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/String;
.method private static getFirstSigningCert(Ljava/util/jar/JarFile;)Ljava/security/cert/Certificate;
.method public static isSigned(Ljava/util/jar/JarFile;)Z
.method private static scanJar(Ljava/util/jar/JarFile;)V

In the same com/amazon/mas/kiwi/util folder there are a few more classes, such as DeveloperInfo (not that interesting), Base64 and BC1 (for checksums).

In the folder com/amazon/android/, you will find the class Kiwi

.class public final Lcom/amazon/android/Kiwi;

with a quite obvious field:

.field private final drmFull:Z

That class Kiwi is references in every original smali file in the app. Example:

.method public onCreate(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V
    .locals 1

    invoke-virtual {p0, p1}, Lxxx/xxxx/Xxxx;->xxxxXxxxx(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V

    const/4 v0, 0x1

    invoke-static {p0, v0}, Lcom/amazon/android/Kiwi;->onCreate(Landroid/app/Activity;Z)V

.end method


The method involves injecting code in every class of the apk, probably through decompiling the apk, parsing each file, adding the necessary classes, and recompiling using the same key.

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Aleadam Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 15:09


There is a Python lib/tool, paraspace (my small project), can help you to inject one or more classes from a DEX file into another. It will insert the code of given class into target DEX file, and redirect all calls invoking a class to another one. So, you can implement a derivation of java.io.File, and replace all calls of the File with the derivation.

The paraspace is available at http://hg.assembla.com/paraspace, you can retrieve it with hg. It is still immature, but it is workable for simple examples. You can try following command when you have a copy of paraspace.

    PYTHONPATH=`pwd` python examples/inject_redir.py data/suffile.dex \
   'Lcom/codemud/fakefile/fakefile;' data/helloworld.dex 'Ljava/io/File;' \

This command will read com.codemud.fakefile.fakefile class from suffile.dex and inject it to helloworld.dex, and write it out as output.dex. All calls to java.io.File will be replaced by calling methods of com.codemud.fakefile.fakefile. The source of helloworld.dex and suffile.dex is here.



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Sinker Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 15:09


I think this post: http://www.bulbsecurity.com/backdooring-apks-programmatically-2/ describes in pretty much details how injecting of classes can be done. I have followed the steps myself an can confirm it works, with the only drawback being that the apk key will change, which apparently is the case with amazon.

As for the injection of code in existing classes, this can also be done with a bit of understanding of smali (i have done that also on limited scale).

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Boris Strandjev Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 15:09

Boris Strandjev