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Initializing non-static member array of size defined in a #define of class type without default ctor

I have the following class:

//in some .h file
#define BARS_IN_FOO 5 //The only place where this number should be specified.
//All code should work when I change this

//in some .cpp file
struct Foo;
struct Bar { Foo & foo; Bar(Foo & foo) : foo{ foo } {} } //Cannot be default initialized

struct Foo {
    std::array<Bar, BARS_IN_FOO> myBars;
    Foo() :
        myBars{ } //Error. Cannot default initialize Bars.
    //I want to initialize all Bars with Bar{*this} but at this point I don't
    //know how many Bar initializers I should put in the myBar initializer list

So how should I initialize Foo::myBars? The number of Bars is known at compile time but I just want to specify this number in one place (in the define preferably, other suggestions are welcome).

Usage of Foo::mybars:

  • Size of it will never change during runtime but I haven't decided what the number will be yet but will be somewhere in the range [1..10] (or so) (number might change a lot during development).
  • Element values will never change (always will be the same non-const objects).
  • Relation ship between Foo and Bar is that of composition. A Foo is made out of Bars and their lifetime is the same. Bar without a Foo and visa versa makes no sense.
  • The Foo and Bar classes are part of performance critical code and their size will influence the memory footprint of the program a lot (80-90% of the memory footprint will be Foos and Bars).

Compiler: MSVS2017 version 15.3

Edit: Changing std::array<Bar, BARS_IN_FOO> myBars; to Bar myBars[BARS_IN_FOO]; is also oke if this helps.

Important edit: All the ctors of Bar and Foo are public. This was a mistake. I changed this.

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Jupiter Avatar asked Aug 21 '17 14:08


1 Answers

You can do this pretty easily if you can assume that Bar is movable/copyable:

template <std::size_t ... Is>
std::array<Bar, sizeof...(Is)> make_bar_array_impl(Foo& f, std::index_sequence<Is...>) {
    return { (Is, f)... };

template <std::size_t N>
std::array<Bar, N> make_bar_array(Foo& f) {
    return make_bar_array_impl(f, std::make_index_sequence<N>{});

Foo() : myBars(make_bar_array<BARS_IN_FOO>(*this)) {}

This could easily refactored to use a more generic template metaprogramming utility of "repetition". I suspect that any template meta programming library will have some such utility, here I don't bother factoring it out since it is a one liner anyhow. But if you come across such problems often it's something to consider (just write a function that returns an N-entry initializer list all with the same expression).

Live example: http://coliru.stacked-crooked.com/a/aab004c0090cc144. Sorry couldn't easily access an MSVC compiler. Also compiled with 14 since I didn't need any 17 features.

Edit: even if Bar is not movable/copyable, or if you don't think things will get optimized, this technique can actually be modified to work even in that case. You can generate an array<std::reference_wrapper<Foo>, N instead. But this is a little bit more complex and typically in C++ most things should be movable, and usually constructor calls are not in the critical path. Still I can elaborate if necessary.

Edit2: also, please don't use a #define for that. constexpr static auto BARS_IN_FOO = 5; should work exactly the same way, except that it is properly namespaced (and probably some other macro nastiness I'm forgetting).

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Nir Friedman Avatar answered Dec 22 '22 06:12

Nir Friedman