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init of slice in struct




I am struggling with the initiation of a slice in a struct (GO-language). This may be easy, but still I can not solve it. I get below error

./prog.go:11:1: syntax error: unexpected var, expecting field name or embedded type
./prog.go:25:2: no new variables on left side of :=
./prog.go:26:2: non-name g.s on left side of :=

I believe that s should be declared as part of the struct, so I wonder why I get that error. Someone got some advice?

package main

import "fmt"

type node struct {
    value int

type graph struct {
    nodes, edges int
    s            []int

func main() {
    g := graphCreate()

func input(tname string) (number int) {
    fmt.Println("input a number of " + tname)

func graphCreate() (g graph) {
    g := graph{input("nodes"), input("edges")}
    g.s = make([]int, 100)

like image 993
stian Avatar asked Sep 16 '13 12:09


People also ask

How do you initialize an array of structs in go?

We can use the new keyword when declaring a struct. Then we can assign values using dot notation to initialize it.

What is the difference between array and slice?

The basic difference between a slice and an array is that a slice is a reference to a contiguous segment of an array. Unlike an array, which is a value-type, slice is a reference type. A slice can be a complete array or a part of an array, indicated by the start and end index.

How do I add a slice in Golang?

To add an element to a slice , you can use Golang's built-in append method. append adds elements from the end of the slice. The first parameter to the append method is a slice of type T . Any additional parameters are taken as the values to add to the given slice .

What is slice data type?

slice is a composite data type and because it is composed of primitive data type (see variables lesson for primitive data types). Syntax to define a slice is pretty similar to that of an array but without specifying the elements count. Hence s is a slice.

1 Answers

You have a few errors :

  • g.s is already defined by the type graph when g is of type graph. So it's not a "new variable"
  • you can't use var inside a type declaration
  • you have g already declared (as a return type) in your graphCreate function
  • when you write a literal struct, you must pass none or all the field values or name them
  • you must use the variables you declare

here's a compiling code :

package main

import "fmt"

type node struct {
    value int

type graph struct {
    nodes, edges int
    s            []int // <= there was var here

func main() {
    graphCreate() // <= g wasn't used

func input(tname string) (number int) {
    fmt.Println("input a number of " + tname)

func graphCreate() (g graph) { // <= g is declared here
    g = graph{nodes:input("nodes"), edges:input("edges")} // <= name the fields
    g.s = make([]int, 100) // <= g.s is already a known name
like image 91
Denys Séguret Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 10:09

Denys Séguret