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Inherit interfaces which share a method name

People also ask

Can you inherit from two interfaces with the same method name in both of them?

C# allows the implementation of multiple interfaces with the same method name.

What happens if two interface have same method name?

So, if the class already has the same method as an Interface, then the default method from the implemented Interface does not take effect. However, if two interfaces implement the same default method, then there is a conflict.

How do you inherit two interfaces?

An interface contains variables and methods like a class but the methods in an interface are abstract by default unlike a class. Multiple inheritance by interface occurs if a class implements multiple interfaces or also if an interface itself extends multiple interfaces.

Can you inherit multiple interfaces?

One of the core principles of Object-Oriented Programming – inheritance – enables us to reuse existing code or extend an existing type. Simply put, in Java, a class can inherit another class and multiple interfaces, while an interface can inherit other interfaces.

This problem doesn't come up very often. The solution I'm familiar with was designed by Doug McIlroy and appears in Bjarne Stroustrup's books (presented in both Design & Evolution of C++ section 12.8 and The C++ Programming Language section 25.6). According to the discussion in Design & Evolution, there was a proposal to handle this specific case elegantly, but it was rejected because "such name clashes were unlikely to become common enough to warrant a separate language feature," and "not likely to become everyday work for novices."

Not only do you need to call Name() through pointers to base classes, you need a way to say which Name() you want when operating on the derived class. The solution adds some indirection:

class Interface1{
    virtual void Name() = 0;

class Interface2{
    virtual void Name() = 0;

class Interface1_helper : public Interface1{
    virtual void I1_Name() = 0;
    void Name() override

class Interface2_helper : public Interface2{
    virtual void I2_Name() = 0;
    void Name() override

class RealClass: public Interface1_helper, public Interface2_helper{
    void I1_Name() override
        printf("Interface1 OK?\n");
    void I2_Name() override
        printf("Interface2 OK?\n");

int main()
    RealClass rc;
    Interface1* i1 = &rc;
    Interface2* i2 = &rc;

Not pretty, but the decision was it's not needed often.

You cannot override them separately, you must override both at once:

struct Interface1 {
  virtual void Name() = 0;

struct Interface2 {
  virtual void Name() = 0;

struct RealClass : Interface1, Interface2 {
  virtual void Name();
// and move it out of the class definition just like any other method:
void RealClass::Name() {
  printf("Interface1 OK?\n");
  printf("Interface2 OK?\n");

You can simulate individual overriding with intermediate base classes:

struct RealClass1 : Interface1 {
  virtual void Name() {
    printf("Interface1 OK?\n");

struct RealClass2 : Interface2 {
  virtual void Name() {
    printf("Interface2 OK?\n");

struct RealClass : RealClass1, RealClass2 {
  virtual void Name() {
    // you must still decide what to do here, which is likely calling both:

    // or doing something else entirely

    // but note: this is the function which will be called in all cases
    // of *virtual dispatch* (for instances of this class), as it is the
    // final overrider, the above separate definition is merely
    // code-organization convenience

Additionally, you're using reinterpret_cast incorrectly, you should have:

int main() {
  RealClass rc; // no need for dynamic allocation in this example

  Interface1& one = rc;

  Interface2& two = dynamic_cast<Interface2&>(one);

  return 0;

And here's a rewrite with CRTP that might be what you want (or not):

template<class Derived>
struct RealClass1 : Interface1 {
#define self (*static_cast<Derived*>(this))
  virtual void Name() {
    printf("Interface1 for %s\n", self.name.c_str());
#undef self

template<class Derived>
struct RealClass2 : Interface2 {
#define self (*static_cast<Derived*>(this))
  virtual void Name() {
    printf("Interface2 for %s\n", self.name.c_str());
#undef self

struct RealClass : RealClass1<RealClass>, RealClass2<RealClass> {
  std::string name;
  RealClass() : name("real code would have members you need to access") {}

But note that here you cannot call Name on a RealClass now (with virtual dispatch, e.g. rc.Name()), you must first select a base. The self macro is an easy way to clean up CRTP casts (usually member access is much more common in the CRTP base), but it can be improved. There's a brief discussion of virtual dispatch in one of my other answers, but surely a better one around if someone has a link.

I've had to do something like this in the past, though in my case I needed to inherit from one interface twice and be able to differentiate between calls made on each of them, I used a template shim to help me...

Something like this:

template<class id>
class InterfaceHelper : public MyInterface
    public : 

       virtual void Name() 

       virtual void Name(
          const size_t id) = 0;  

You then derive from InterfaceHelper twice rather than from MyInterface twice and you specify a different id for each base class. You can then hand out two interfaces independently by casting to the correct InterfaceHelper.

You could do something slightly more complex;

class InterfaceHelperBase
    public : 

       virtual void Name(
          const size_t id) = 0;  

class InterfaceHelper1 : public MyInterface, protected InterfaceHelperBase
    public : 

       using InterfaceHelperBase::Name;

       virtual void Name() 

class InterfaceHelper2 : public MyInterface, protected InterfaceHelperBase
    public : 

       using InterfaceHelperBase::Name;

       virtual void Name() 

class MyClass : public InterfaceHelper1, public InterfaceHelper2
    public :

      virtual void Name(
          const size_t id)
          if (id == 1) 
              printf("Interface 1 OK?");
          else if (id == 2) 
              printf("Interface 2 OK?");

Note that the above hasn't seen a compiler...

class BaseX
    virtual void fun()
        cout << "BaseX::fun\n";

class BaseY
    virtual void fun()
        cout << "BaseY::fun\n";

class DerivedX : protected BaseX
    virtual void funX()

class DerivedY : protected BaseY
    virtual void funY()

class DerivedXY : public DerivedX, public DerivedY


There are two other related questions asking nearly (but not completely) identical things:

Picking from inherited shared method names. If you want to have rc.name() call ic1->name() or ic2->name().

Overriding shared method names from (templated) base classes. This has simpler syntax and less code that your accepted solution, but does not allow for access to the functions from the derived class. More or less, unless you need to be able to call name_i1() from an rc, you don't need to use things like InterfaceHelper.