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Infragistics WebGrid vs. Telerik Grid

I have been using the Infragistics UltraWebGrids for a few years now in multiple products, but have reached a crossroads with them. I have been looking into the Telerik products and they appear to perform better than the Infragistics grids in the demos.

The following are the things I'm looking to know.
1. Which would you use and why.
2. Which grid performs better.
3. Which product is quicker to implement.
4. Which product is easier to maintain.

like image 641
RSolberg Avatar asked Sep 14 '09 03:09


1 Answers

Go Telerik. And if you get 80 more rep at the time of writing this you might get a free license.


I use Telerik at work. I use to use Infragistics a while back. Telerik is way easier to use and seems fast enough for me. I never had performance issues with them.

like image 193
Bob Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 10:09
