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Infinite loops in Java

Look at the following infinite while loop in Java. It causes a compile-time error for the statement below it.

while(true) {     System.out.println("inside while"); }  System.out.println("while terminated"); //Unreachable statement - compiler-error. 

The following same infinite while loop, however works fine and doesn't issue any errors in which I just replaced the condition with a boolean variable.

boolean b=true;  while(b) {     System.out.println("inside while"); }  System.out.println("while terminated"); //No error here. 

In the second case also, the statement after the loop is obviously unreachable because the boolean variable b is true still the compiler doesn't complain at all. Why?

Edit : The following version of while gets stuck into an infinite loop as obvious but issues no compiler errors for the statement below it even though the if condition within the loop is always false and consequently, the loop can never return and can be determined by the compiler at the compile-time itself.

while(true) {      if(false) {         break;     }      System.out.println("inside while"); }  System.out.println("while terminated"); //No error here. 

while(true) {      if(false)  { //if true then also         return;  //Replacing return with break fixes the following error.     }      System.out.println("inside while"); }  System.out.println("while terminated"); //Compiler-error - unreachable statement. 

while(true) {      if(true) {         System.out.println("inside if");         return;     }      System.out.println("inside while"); //No error here. }  System.out.println("while terminated"); //Compiler-error - unreachable statement. 

Edit : Same thing with if and while.

if(false) {     System.out.println("inside if"); //No error here. } 

while(false) {     System.out.println("inside while");     // Compiler's complain - unreachable statement. } 

while(true) {      if(true) {         System.out.println("inside if");         break;     }      System.out.println("inside while"); //No error here. }       

The following version of while also gets stuck into an infinite loop.

while(true) {      try {         System.out.println("inside while");         return;   //Replacing return with break makes no difference here.     } finally {         continue;     } } 

This is because the finally block is always executed even though the return statement encounters before it within the try block itself.

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Lion Avatar asked Dec 20 '11 02:12


People also ask

How do you create infinite loop in java?

Creating infinite loops can be done in different ways using for loop, while loop and do while loops. Every loop will have the condition and loop will be running untill the condition is satisfied that means condition is returning true value.

What are infinite loops?

An infinite loop (sometimes called an endless loop ) is a piece of coding that lacks a functional exit so that it repeats indefinitely. In computer programming, a loop is a sequence of instruction s that is continually repeated until a certain condition is reached.

How are infinite loops declared?

An infinite loop can be broken by defining a break logic in the body of instruction blocks. Infinite loop runs without any condition and runs infinitely. An infinite loop can be broken by defining a break logic in the body of instruction blocks.

What are the 3 types of loops in java?

In Java, there are three kinds of loops which are – the for loop, the while loop, and the do-while loop.

1 Answers

The compiler can easily and unequivocally prove that the first expression always results in an infinite loop, but it's not as easy for the second. In your toy example it's simple, but what if:

  • the variable's contents were read from a file?
  • the variable wasn't local and could be modified by another thread?
  • the variable relied on some user input?

The compiler is clearly not checking for your simpler case because it's forgoing that road altogether. Why? Because it's much harder forbidden by the spec. See section 14.21:

  • http://docs.oracle.com/javase/specs/jls/se7/html/jls-14.html#jls-14.21-300-M

(By the way, my compiler does complain when the variable is declared final.)

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Wayne Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 17:09
