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Infinite loop in useEffect

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How do I make useEffect run forever?

useEffect(() => setCount(count + 1)); it generates an infinite loop of component re-renderings.

What causes infinite loops in react?

By executing a function before setting a handler, you update a state inside the render, which causes an infinite loop.

Why does my useEffect keep running?

Changing state will always cause a re-render. By default, useEffect always runs after render has run. This means if you don't include a dependency array when using useEffect to fetch data, and use useState to display it, you will always trigger another render after useEffect runs.

Passing an empty array as the second argument to useEffect makes it only run on mount and unmount, thus stopping any infinite loops.

useEffect(() => {
}, []);

This was clarified to me in the blog post on React hooks at https://www.robinwieruch.de/react-hooks/

Had the same problem. I don't know why they not mention this in docs. Just want to add a little to Tobias Haugen answer.

To run in every component/parent rerender you need to use:

  useEffect(() => {

    // don't know where it can be used :/

To run anything only one time after component mount(will be rendered once) you need to use:

  useEffect(() => {

    // do anything only one time if you pass empty array []
    // keep in mind, that component will be rendered one time (with default values) before we get here
  }, [] )

To run anything one time on component mount and on data/data2 change:

  const [data, setData] = useState(false)
  const [data2, setData2] = useState('default value for first render')
  useEffect(() => {

// if you pass some variable, than component will rerender after component mount one time and second time if this(in my case data or data2) is changed
// if your data is object and you want to trigger this when property of object changed, clone object like this let clone = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data)), change it clone.prop = 2 and setData(clone).
// if you do like this 'data.prop=2' without cloning useEffect will not be triggered, because link to data object in momory doesn't changed, even if object changed (as i understand this)
  }, [data, data2] )

How i use it most of the time:

export default function Book({id}) { 
  const [book, bookSet] = useState(false) 

  const loadBookFromServer = useCallback(async () => {
    let response = await fetch('api/book/' + id)
    response  = await response.json() 
  }, [id]) // every time id changed, new book will be loaded

  useEffect(() => {
  }, [loadBookFromServer]) // useEffect will run once and when id changes

  if (!book) return false //first render, when useEffect did't triggered yet we will return false

  return <div>{JSON.stringify(book)}</div>  

I ran into the same problem too once and I fixed it by making sure I pass primitive values in the second argument [].

If you pass an object, React will store only the reference to the object and run the effect when the reference changes, which is usually every singe time (I don't now how though).

The solution is to pass the values in the object. You can try,

const obj = { keyA: 'a', keyB: 'b' }

useEffect(() => {
  // do something
}, [Object.values(obj)]);


const obj = { keyA: 'a', keyB: 'b' }

useEffect(() => {
  // do something
}, [obj.keyA, obj.keyB]);

If you are building a custom hook, you can sometimes cause an infinite loop with default as follows

function useMyBadHook(values = {}) {
    useEffect(()=> { 
           /* This runs every render, if values is undefined */

The fix is to use the same object instead of creating a new one on every function call:

const defaultValues = {};
function useMyBadHook(values = defaultValues) {
    useEffect(()=> { 
           /* This runs on first call and when values change */

If you are encountering into this in your component code the loop may get fixed if you use defaultProps instead of ES6 default values

function MyComponent({values}) {
  useEffect(()=> { 
       /* do stuff*/
  return null; /* stuff */

MyComponent.defaultProps = {
  values = {}

As said in the documentation (https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-effect.html), the useEffect hook is meant to be used when you want some code to be executed after every render. From the docs:

Does useEffect run after every render? Yes!

If you want to customize this, you can follow the instructions that appear later in the same page (https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-effect.html#tip-optimizing-performance-by-skipping-effects). Basically, the useEffect method accepts a second argument, that React will examine to determine if the effect has to be triggered again or not.

useEffect(() => {
  document.title = `You clicked ${count} times`;
}, [count]); // Only re-run the effect if count changes

You can pass any object as the second argument. If this object remains unchanged, your effect will only be triggered after the first mount. If the object changes, the effect will be triggered again.