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Infinite loop CTE with OPTION (maxrecursion 0)

I have CTE query with large record on it. Previously it worked fine. But lately, it throws an error for some members

The statement terminated. The maximum recursion 100 has been exhausted before statement completion.

So I put OPTION (maxrecursion 0) or OPTION (maxrecursion 32767) on my query, because I don't want to limit the records. But, the result is the query takes forever to load. How do I solve this?

Here's my code:

with cte as(
-- Anchor member definition
    SELECT  e.SponsorMemberID , e.MemberID, 1 AS Level
    FROM tblMember AS e 
    where e.memberid = @MemberID

union all

-- Recursive member definition
    select child.SponsorMemberID , child.MemberID, Level + 1
    from tblMember child 

join cte parent

on parent.MemberID = child.SponsorMemberID
-- Select the CTE result
    Select distinct a.* 
    from cte a
    option (maxrecursion 0)

EDIT: remove unnecessary code to easy understand

SOLVED: So the issue is not came from maxrecursion. It's from the CTE. I don't know why but possibly it contain any sponsor cycles: A -> B -> C -> A -> ... (Thanks to @HABO)

I tried this method and it works. Infinite loop in CTE when parsing self-referencing table

like image 381
vantian Avatar asked Feb 26 '13 03:02


People also ask

What is option Maxrecursion?

The MAXRECURSION value specifies the number of times that the CTE can recur before throwing an error and terminating. You can provide the MAXRECURSION hint with any value between 0 and 32,767 within your T-SQL query, with MAXRECURSION value equal to 0 means that no limit is applied to the recursion level.

What is the maximum number of recursive CTE calls that can be made?

Recursion Limit Error SQL Server sets the default Recursion Limit to 100, i.e., 100 Recursive Query calls. To modify this, we can include the OPTION clause with the MAXRECURSION option. The MAXRECURSION option takes a number specifying how many calls of the Recursive query to allow.

1 Answers

If you are hitting the recursion limit, you either have considerable depth in sponsoring relationships or a loop in the data. A query like the following will detect loops and terminate the recursion:

declare @tblMember as Table ( MemberId Int, SponsorMemberId Int );
insert into @tblMember ( MemberId, SponsorMemberId ) values
  ( 1, 2 ), ( 2, 3 ), ( 3, 5 ), ( 4, 5 ), ( 5, 1 ), ( 3, 3 );
declare @MemberId as Int = 3;
declare @False as Bit = 0, @True as Bit = 1;

with Children as (
  select MemberId, SponsorMemberId,
    Convert( VarChar(4096), '>' + Convert( VarChar(10), MemberId ) + '>' ) as Path, @False as Loop
    from @tblMember
    where MemberId = @MemberId
  union all
  select Child.MemberId, Child.SponsorMemberId,
    Convert( VarChar(4096), Path + Convert( VarChar(10), Child.MemberId ) + '>' ),
    case when CharIndex( '>' + Convert( VarChar(10), Child.MemberId ) + '>', Path ) = 0 then @False else @True end
    from @tblMember as Child inner join
      Children as Parent on Parent.MemberId = Child.SponsorMemberId
    where Parent.Loop = 0 )
  select *
    from Children
    option ( MaxRecursion 0 );
like image 200
HABO Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 11:11