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inequality comparison of numpy array with nan to a scalar


I am trying to set members of an array that are below a threshold to nan. This is part of a QA/QC process and the incoming data may already have slots that are nan.

So as an example my threshold might be -1000 and hence I would want to set -3000 to nan in the following array

x = np.array([np.nan,1.,2.,-3000.,np.nan,5.]) 

This following:

x[x < -1000.] = np.nan 

produces the correct behavior, but also a RuntimeWarning, but the overhead of disabling the warning

warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") ... warnints.resetwarnings() 

is kind of heavy an potentially a bit unsafe.

Trying to index twice with fancy indexing as follows doesn't produce any effect:

nonan = np.where(~np.isnan(x))[0] x[nonan][x[nonan] < -1000.] = np.nan 

I assume this is because a copy is made due to the integer index or the use of indexing twice.

Does anyone have a relatively simple solution? It would be fine to use a masked array in the process, but the final product has to be an ndarray and I can't introduce new dependencies. Thanks.

like image 932
Eli S Avatar asked Aug 17 '14 02:08

Eli S

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Video Answer

2 Answers

One option is to disable the relevant warnings with numpy.errstate:

with numpy.errstate(invalid='ignore'):     ... 

To turn off the relevant warnings globally, use numpy.seterr.

like image 190
user2357112 supports Monica Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 03:09

user2357112 supports Monica

Any comparison (other than !=) of a NaN to a non-NaN value will always return False:

>>> x < -1000 array([False, False, False,  True, False, False], dtype=bool) 

So you can simply ignore the fact that there are NaNs already in your array and do:

>>> x[x < -1000] = np.nan >>> x array([ nan,   1.,   2.,  nan,  nan,   5.]) 

EDIT I don't see any warning when I ran the above, but if you really need to stay away from the NaNs, you can do something like:

mask = ~np.isnan(x) mask[mask] &= x[mask] < -1000 x[mask] = np.nan 
like image 29
Jaime Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 03:09
