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Incrementing counter in Stream foreach Java 8



I'd like to increment a counter which is an AtomicInteger as I loop through using foreach

public class ConstructorTest {  public static void main(String[] args) {     AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(0);     List<Foo> fooList = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<Foo>());     List<String> userList = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<String>());     userList.add("username1_id1");     userList.add("username2_id2");      userList.stream().map(user -> new Foo(getName(user), getId(user))).forEach(fooList::add);     //how do I increment the counter in the above loop      fooList.forEach(user -> System.out.println(user.getName() + "   " + user.getId())); }  private static String getName(String user) {     return user.split("_")[0]; }  private static String getId(String user) {     return user.split("_")[1]; } } 
like image 602
Damien-Amen Avatar asked Jul 25 '16 12:07


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Adding a Counter to forEach with Stream Let's try to convert that into an operation that includes the counter. This function returns a new lambda. That lambda uses the AtomicInteger object to keep track of the counter during iteration. The getAndIncrement function is called every time there's a new item.

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1 Answers

Depends on where you want to increment.


userList.stream()         .map(user -> {                counter.getAndIncrement();                return new Foo(getName(user), getId(user));             })         .forEach(fooList::add); 


userList.stream()         .map(user -> new Foo(getName(user), getId(user)))         .forEach(foo -> {             fooList.add(foo);             counter.getAndIncrement();         }); 
like image 157
bradimus Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 15:09
