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Incremental deployment of java web applications

We have following problem. Developers frequently need to make small changes to our web applications. When I say small, I mean things like correcting the spelling on a web page or similar. Generating and redeploying war archives can be slow and costly in such scenarios.

How could we automate and install changes incrementally? For example, generate new exploded war, compare files with exploded war in production and then replace in production only the files affected by change: .jsp .html .class etc.

This need not be hot deployment, it’s ok to restart the server. What I wish to avoid is having to copy and deploy wars that can be 80Mb in size. Sometimes connections are slow and making such minuscule change to web application as simple spelling correction can take hours.

We use Maven to automate our build process. The key issue is to automate the whole process, so that I can be sure that app v2.2.3 in my Subversion is exactly what I have in production after incremental deployment.

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Dan Avatar asked Nov 26 '09 22:11


2 Answers

We used to do this sort of thing all of the time. We worked in a bank, and there were sometimes changes to legal phrases or terms and conditions that needed to be changed today (or more usually yesterday).

We did two things to help us deploy quickly. We had a good change control and build process. We could change and deploy any version we liked. We also had a good test suite, with which we could test changes easily.

The second was more controversial. All of our html was deployed as separate files on the server. There was no WAR. Therefore, when the circumstances came up that we needed to change something textual quickly, we could do it. If java needed changing, we always did a FULL build and deploy.

This is not something I'd recommend, but it was good for our situation.

The point of a WAR is so that everything gets deployed at the same time. If you're using a WAR, that means you want it to be deployed all at once.

One suggestion is not to do such corrections so often (once a week?). Then you don't have so much pain.

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Matthew Farwell Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 10:10

Matthew Farwell

Hard to say. You can ofcourse replace single class files in an exploded webapp, but this is generally a bad idea and you don't see many people doing this.

The reason is that when you make small changes it becomes harder and harder to detect differences between production and development. The chances of you sending a wrong classfile and breaking the production server increases over time.

When you say text changes, isn't it an idea to keep the text resources seperate from the war file? That way, not only developers but maybe even the customer can easily add/change translations.

To the customer it's important, but technically it's silly to do a 80MB deploy over a slow line to fix a small typo.

You can also try to look at your build/delivery cycle and increase testing efforts to prevent these small changes.

Hope this helps.

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Rolf Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 10:10
