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Increasing stack size with WinRM for ScriptMethods

We are currently refactoring our administration scripts. It had just appeared that a combination of WinRM, error handling and ScriptMethod dramatically decreases available recursion depth.

See the following example:

Invoke-Command -ComputerName . -ScriptBlock {
    $object = New-Object psobject
    $object | Add-Member ScriptMethod foo {
        if ($depth -eq 0) {
            throw "error"
        else {
            $this.foo($depth - 1)

    try {
        $object.foo(5) # Works fine, the error gets caught
    } catch {
        Write-Host $_.Exception

    try {
        $object.foo(6) # Failure due to call stack overflow
    } catch {
        Write-Host $_.Exception

Just six nested calls are enough to overflow the call stack! Indeed, more than 200 local nested calls work fine, and without the try-catch the available depth doubles. Regular functions are also not that limited in recursion.

Note: I used recursion only to reproduce the problem, the real code contains many different functions on different objects in different modules. So trivial optimizations as "use functions not ScriptMethod" require architectural changes

Is there a way to increase the available stack size? (I have an administrative account.)

like image 984
Pavel Mayorov Avatar asked Jan 24 '17 07:01

Pavel Mayorov

1 Answers

You have two problems that conspire to make this difficult. Neither is most effectively solved by increasing your stack size, if such a thing is possible (I don't know if it is).

First, as you've experienced, remoting adds overhead to calls that reduces the available stack. I don't know why, but it's easily demonstrated that it does. This could be due to the way runspaces are configured, or how the interpreter is invoked, or due to increased bookkeeping -- I don't know the ultimate cause(s).

Second and far more damningly, your method produces a bunch of nested exceptions, rather than just one. This happens because the script method is, in effect, a script block wrapped in another exception handler that rethrows the exception as a MethodInvocationException. As a result, when you call foo(N), a block of nested exception handlers is set up (paraphrased, it's not actually PowerShell code that does this):

try {
    try {
         try {
             throw "error"
         } catch {
             throw [System.Management.Automation.MethodInvocationException]::new(
                 "Exception calling ""foo"" with ""1"" argument(s): ""$($_.Exception.Message)""", 
     } catch {
         throw [System.Management.Automation.MethodInvocationException]::new(
             "Exception calling ""foo"" with ""1"" argument(s): ""$($_.Exception.Message)""", 
 } catch {
     throw [System.Management.Automation.MethodInvocationException]::new(
         "Exception calling ""foo"" with ""1"" argument(s): ""$($_.Exception.Message)""", 

This produces a massive stack trace that eventually overflows all reasonable boundaries. When you use remoting, the problem is exacerbated by the fact that even if the script executes and produces this huge exception, it (and any results the function does produce) can't be successfully remoted -- on my machine, using PowerShell 5, I don't get a stack overflow error but a remoting error when I call foo(10).

The solution here is to avoid this particular deadly combination of recursive script methods and exceptions. Assuming you don't want to get rid of either recursion or exceptions, this is most easily done by wrapping a regular function:

$object = New-Object PSObject
$object | Add-Member ScriptMethod foo {

    function foo($depth) {
        if ($depth -eq 0) {
            throw "error"
        else {
            foo ($depth - 1)
    foo $depth

While this produces much more agreeable exceptions, even this can quite quickly run out of stack when you're remoting. On my machine, this works up to foo(200); beyond that I get a call depth overflow. Locally, the limit is far higher, though PowerShell gets unreasonably slow with large arguments.

As a scripting language, PowerShell wasn't exactly designed to handle recursion efficiently. Should you need more than foo(200), my recommendation is to bite the bullet and rewrite the function so it's not recursive. Classes like Stack<T> can help here:

$object = New-Object PSObject
$object | Add-Member ScriptMethod foo {

    $stack = New-Object System.Collections.Generic.Stack[int]

    while ($stack.Count -gt 0) {
        $item = $stack.Pop()
        if ($item -eq 0) {
            throw "error"
        } else {
            $stack.Push($item - 1)

Obviously foo is trivially tail recursive and this is overkill, but it illustrates the idea. Iterations could push more than one item on the stack.

This not only eliminates any problems with limited stack depth but is a lot faster as well.

like image 186
Jeroen Mostert Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 19:10

Jeroen Mostert