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Increase the Jenkins login timeout




Does anyone know how to increase the the timeout window before Jenkins logs out a user? I'm looking to raise it to 1 day or so.

I work in and out jenkins all day and we keep getting logged out between running of jobs. Added to this frustration, the 'stay logged in' checkbox doesn't seem to work either.

like image 341
Ray Avatar asked Oct 16 '14 14:10


People also ask

What is default session timeout in Jenkins?

Jenkins uses Jetty, and Jetty's default timeout is 30 minutes. This is independent of authentication settings -- I use Active Directory but it's still this setting that affects timeouts. According to Oracle's docs you can set this to 0 to disable timeouts altogether.

What is session timeout minutes used for?

sessionTimeout is set in minutes; a user will be logged out after this time, no matter what. Default is 30 minutes. sessionEviction is set in seconds; a user will be logged out after this time if their session is idle.

1 Answers

Jenkins uses Jetty, and Jetty's default timeout is 30 minutes. This is independent of authentication settings -- I use Active Directory but it's still this setting that affects timeouts.

You can override the timeout by passing an argument --sessionTimeout=<minutes> to the Jenkins init script, or -DsessionTimeout=<minutes> to the .war file. For example:

# Set the session timeout to 1 week $ java -jar jenkins.war --sessionTimeout=10080 

Alternatively, you can edit Jenkins' <jenkinsHome>/.jenkins/war/WEB-INF/web.xml and add explicitly set it:

<session-config>   <!-- one hour -->   <session-timeout>60</session-timeout> </session-config> 

According to Oracle's docs you can set this to 0 to disable timeouts altogether.

To find out the current value for timeouts, you can use the Groovy console provided in Jenkins:

import org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler; Stapler.getCurrentRequest().getSession().getMaxInactiveInterval() / 60 

On my instance, this shows Result: 30.

like image 98
Wilfred Hughes Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 02:11

Wilfred Hughes