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Increase PostgreSQL write speed at the cost of likely data loss?

I love that PostgreSQL is crash resistant, as I don't want to spend time fixing a database. However, I'm sure there must be some things I can disable/modify so that inserts/updates will work faster even if I lose a couple records prior to a power-outage / crash. I'm not worried about a couple records - just the database as a whole.

I am trying to optimize PostgreSQL for large amounts of writes. It currently takes 22 minutes to insert 1 million rows which seems a bit slow.

How can I speed up PostgreSQL writes?

Some of the options I have looked into (like full_page_writes), seem to also run the risk of corrupting data which isn't something I want. I don't mind lost data - I just don't want corruption.

Update 1

Here is the table I am using - this since most of the tables will contain ints and small strings this "sample" table seems to be the best example of what I should expect.

CREATE TABLE "user" (   id serial NOT NULL,   username character varying(40),   email character varying(70),   website character varying(100),   created integer,   CONSTRAINT user_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id) ) WITH ( OIDS=FALSE ); CREATE INDEX id ON "user" USING btree (id); 

I have about 10 scripts each issuing 100,000 requests at a time using prepared statements. This is to simulate a real-life load my application will be giving the database. In my application each page has 1+ inserts.

Update 2

I am using asynchronous commits already, because I have

synchronous_commit = off

in the main configuration file.

like image 896
Xeoncross Avatar asked Feb 27 '11 03:02


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Some of the tricks we used to speed up SELECT-s in PostgreSQL: LEFT JOIN with redundant conditions, VALUES, extended statistics, primary key type conversion, CLUSTER, pg_hint_plan + bonus.

How fast can Postgres write?

So that's 358 writes per second! Compared to 83k writes per second for sqlite.

How many writes can Postgres handle?

When using Postgres if you do need writes exceeding 10,000s of INSERT s per second we turn to the Postgres COPY utility for bulk loading. COPY is capable of handling 100,000s of writes per second. Even without a sustained high write throughput COPY can be handy to quickly ingest a very large set of data.

How much RAM do you need for Postgres?

The 2GB of memory is a recommendation for memory you can allocate to PostgreSQL outside of the operating system. If you have a small data set, you are still going to want enough memory to cache the majority of your hot data (you can use pg_buffercache to determine your hot data).

2 Answers

1M records inserted in 22 minutes works out to be 758 records/second. Each INSERT here is an individual commit to disk, with both write-ahead log and database components to it eventually. Normally I expect that even good hardware with a battery-backed cache and everything you will be lucky to hit 3000 commit/second. So you're not actually doing too bad if this is regular hardware without such write acceleration. The normal limit here is in the 500 to 1000 commits/second range in the situation you're in, without special tuning for this situation.

As for what that would look like, if you can't make the commits include more records each, your options for speeding this up include:

  • Turn off synchronous_commit (already done)

  • Increase wal_writer_delay. When synchronous_commit is off, the database spools commits up to be written every 200ms. You can make that some number of seconds instead if you want to by tweaking this upwards, it just increases the size of data loss after a crash.

  • Increase wal_buffers to 16MB, just to make that whole operation more efficient.

  • Increase checkpoint_segments, to cut down on how often the regular data is written to disk. You probably want at least 64 here. Downsides are higher disk space use and longer recovery time after a crash.

  • Increase shared_buffers. The default here is tiny, typically 32MB. You have to increase how much UNIX shared memory the system has to allocate. Once that's done, useful values are typically >1/4 of total RAM, up to 8GB. The rate of gain here falls off above 256MB, the increase from the default to there can be really helpful though.

That's pretty much it. Anything else you touched that might help could potentially cause data corruption in a crash; these are all completely safe.

like image 158
Greg Smith Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 03:09

Greg Smith

22 minutes for 1 million rows doesn't seem that slow, particularly if you have lots of indexes.

How are you doing the inserts? I take it you're using batch inserts, not one-row-per-transaction.

Does PG support some kind of bulk loading, like reading from a text file or supplying a stream of CSV data to it? If so, you'd probably be best advised to use that.

Please post the code you're using to load the 1M records, and people will advise.

Please post:

  • CREATE TABLE statement for the table you're loading into
  • Code you are using to load in
  • small example of the data (if possible)

EDIT: It seems the OP isn't interested in bulk-inserts, but is doing a performance test for many single-row inserts. I will assume that each insert is in its own transaction.

  • Consider batching the inserts on the client-side, per-node, writing them into a temporary file (hopefully durably / robustly) and having a daemon or some periodic process which asynchronously does a batch insert of outstanding records, in reasonable sized batches.
  • This per-device batching mechanism really does give the best performance, in my experience, in audit-data like data-warehouse applications where the data don't need to go into the database just now. It also gives the application resilience against the database being unavailable.
  • Of course you will normally have several endpoint devices creating audit-records (for example, telephone switches, mail relays, web application servers), each must have its own instance of this mechanism which is fully independent.
  • This is a really "clever" optimisation which introduces a lot of complexity into the app design and has a lot of places where bugs could happen. Do not implement it unless you are really sure you need it.
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MarkR Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 05:09
