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Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'CREATE' while creating function



I am a complete newbie when it comes to MS SQL and have found this code online while searching. It seems like it would do exactly what I want, which is do a radius search based on Latitude and Latitude values.

However, I keep getting: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'CREATE'. , which is the very first line of the code. My database is 2008 MS SQL

Here is the code:

CREATE FUNCTION CalculateDistance
            (@Longitude1 Decimal(8,5),
            @Latitude1   Decimal(8,5),
            @Longitude2  Decimal(8,5),
            @Latitude2   Decimal(8,5))
        Returns Float
        AS BEGIN
        Declare @Temp Float

        Set @Temp = sin(@Latitude1/57.2957795130823) * sin(@Latitude2/57.2957795130823) + cos(@Latitude1/57.2957795130823) * cos(@Latitude2/57.2957795130823) * cos(@Longitude2/57.2957795130823 - @Longitude1/57.2957795130823)

        if @Temp > 1
            Set @Temp = 1
        Else If @Temp < -1
            Set @Temp = -1

        Return (3958.75586574 * acos(@Temp) )


        -- FUNCTION 
        CREATE FUNCTION LatitudePlusDistance(@StartLatitude Float, @Distance Float) Returns Float
        AS BEGIN
            Return (Select @StartLatitude + Sqrt(@Distance * @Distance / 4766.8999155991))

        -- FUNCTION 
        CREATE FUNCTION LongitudePlusDistance
            (@StartLongitude Float,
            @StartLatitude Float,
            @Distance Float)
        Returns Float
        AS BEGIN
            Return (Select @StartLongitude + Sqrt(@Distance * @Distance / (4784.39411916406 * Cos(2 * @StartLatitude / 114.591559026165) * Cos(2 * @StartLatitude / 114.591559026165))))

        -- ACTUAL QUERY 
        -- Declare some variables that we will need. 
        Declare @Longitude Decimal(8,5),
                @Latitude Decimal(8,5),
                @MinLongitude Decimal(8,5),
                @MaxLongitude Decimal(8,5),
                @MinLatitude Decimal(8,5),
                @MaxLatitude Decimal(8,5)

        -- Get the lat/long for the given id
        Select @Longitude = Longitude,
               @Latitude = Latitude
        From   qccities
        Where  id = '21'

        -- Calculate the Max Lat/Long 
        Select @MaxLongitude = LongitudePlusDistance(@Longitude, @Latitude, 20),
               @MaxLatitude = LatitudePlusDistance(@Latitude, 20)

        -- Calculate the min lat/long 
        Select @MinLatitude = 2 * @Latitude - @MaxLatitude,
               @MinLongitude = 2 * @Longitude - @MaxLongitude

        -- The query to return all ids within a certain distance 
        Select id
        From   qccities
        Where  Longitude Between @MinLongitude And @MaxLongitude
               And Latitude Between @MinLatitude And @MaxLatitude
               And CalculateDistance(@Longitude, @Latitude, Longitude, Latitude) <= 2

Any idea what's going on?

Thank you!!!

EDIT: Thank you very much to bluefeet and Aaron Bertrand for pointing me in the right direction!

like image 608
Jennifer Avatar asked Apr 02 '13 16:04


1 Answers

You should also end the each of create statements with a GO or semicolon:

Also, should add the schema to the function. For example the below uses the dbo. schema:

CREATE FUNCTION dbo.CalculateDistance
            (@Longitude1 Decimal(8,5),
            @Latitude1   Decimal(8,5),
            @Longitude2  Decimal(8,5),
            @Latitude2   Decimal(8,5))
        Returns Float
        AS BEGIN
        Declare @Temp Float

        Set @Temp = sin(@Latitude1/57.2957795130823) * sin(@Latitude2/57.2957795130823) + cos(@Latitude1/57.2957795130823) * cos(@Latitude2/57.2957795130823) * cos(@Longitude2/57.2957795130823 - @Longitude1/57.2957795130823)

        if @Temp > 1
            Set @Temp = 1
        Else If @Temp < -1
            Set @Temp = -1

        Return (3958.75586574 * acos(@Temp) )


See SQL Fiddle with Demo of all functions being created.

like image 118
Taryn Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 18:10
