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Incorrect comparison of two keyCodes in async function after dart2js

I don't understand this behavior of dart2js code.
I have this only in async function and only after compiling to JS.

e.keyCode is equal 13
KeyCode.ENTER is equal 13


(e.keyCode == KeyCode.ENTER) is false

This is simple code to debugging my issue.
Whats going on?

import 'dart:html';

main() async
  await for(KeyboardEvent e in window.onKeyDown)
    print('e.keyCode : ${e.keyCode}');
    print('e.keyCode.hashCode : ${e.keyCode.hashCode}');
    print('KeyCode.ENTER : ${KeyCode.ENTER}');
    print('KeyCode.ENTER.hashCode : ${KeyCode.ENTER.hashCode}');
    print('e.keyCode.runtimeType : ${e.keyCode.runtimeType}');
    print('KeyCode.ENTER.runtimeType : ${KeyCode.ENTER.runtimeType}');
    print('e.keyCode == KeyCode.ENTER ${e.keyCode == KeyCode.ENTER}');
    print('e.keyCode != KeyCode.ENTER ${e.keyCode != KeyCode.ENTER}');
    int a = e.keyCode;
    int b = KeyCode.ENTER;
    print('a = $a');
    print('b = $b');
    print('a.hashCode = ${a.hashCode}');
    print('b.hashCode = ${b.hashCode}');
    print('a == b ${(a == b).toString()}');
    print('a == 13 ${(a == 13).toString()}');
    print('b == 13 ${(b == 13).toString()}');
    if(a == b)
      print('DART: a == b');
      print('DART: a != b');

Output on Chrome after pressing Enter (dart2js - minified):

e.keyCode : 13
e.keyCode.hashCode : 13
KeyCode.ENTER : 13
KeyCode.ENTER.hashCode : 13
e.keyCode.runtimeType : int
KeyCode.ENTER.runtimeType : int
e.keyCode == KeyCode.ENTER false
e.keyCode != KeyCode.ENTER true
a = 13
b = 13
a.hashCode = 13
b.hashCode = 13
a == b true
a == 13 true
b == 13 true
DART: a != b

On DartVM (Dartium) everything is correct:

e.keyCode : 13
e.keyCode.hashCode : 13
KeyCode.ENTER : 13
KeyCode.ENTER.hashCode : 13
e.keyCode.runtimeType : int
KeyCode.ENTER.runtimeType : int
e.keyCode == KeyCode.ENTER true
e.keyCode != KeyCode.ENTER false
a = 13
b = 13
a.hashCode = 13
b.hashCode = 13
a == b true
a == 13 true
b == 13 true
DART: a == b

I noticed that it does not matter that I'm using keyCode.
This is async issue.
Code below returns 'OK' on Dartium and 'NOPE' on Chrome after compiling to JS.

import 'dart:async';

main() async
  var ctrl = new StreamController();

  await for(var e in ctrl.stream)
    if(e == e)
like image 398
gooostaw Avatar asked Apr 18 '15 00:04


1 Answers

This is indeed the same as this bug.

The wrong type was inferred for the iteration variable of async for loops.

It is fixed in 1.10.

like image 181
Sigurd Meldgaard Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 05:09

Sigurd Meldgaard