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Inconsistent select() bahavior for input when parent has user-select: none (chromium-based browsers)

On the gif, you can see input with consistent select() behavior (content selected on every click) and second input where every 2nd click fails to select anything

enter image description here

I have global styles historically added to the project

* {
  user-select: none;

input {
  user-select: text;

What I found - user-select: none set on the parent is breaking select() method for its children inputs.

[MDN] user-select: none: The text of the element and its sub-elements is not selectable.

I can't remove old styles because it might affect too many things (we have plans to revisit this but not now), so I tried to override user-select behavior but no luck with that when I set .parent {user-select: auto;} .parent .input {user-select: text;}

As JS workaround I'm setting timeout 200ms before select() that works but with ugly flickering.

How do I override those CSS props correctly? (For this example I wrapped broken input into .buggy so the other can remain normal. But this doesn't represent the project structure as it has dozens of wrappers above the input and each has user-select: none)

Just found this is reproducible in chromium-based browsers - chrome / edge / opera

.buggy * {
  user-select: none;

.buggy input {
  margin-top: 10px;
  user-select: text;
<input type='text' value='normal input' onclick='this.select()'/>
<div class='buggy'>
    <input type='text' value='buggy input' onclick='this.select()'/>
like image 386
godblessstrawberry Avatar asked Mar 03 '20 17:03


People also ask

How do you prevent the user from selecting the text rendered inside the following element P L should not be selectable </ p?

You can use the user-select property to disable text selection of an element. In web browsers, if you double-click on some text it will be selected/highlighted. This property can be used to prevent this.

What is Webkit user-select?

Feature: CSS -webkit-user-select: all The user-select property enables authors to specify which elements in the document can be selected by the user and how. Chrome has supported only prefixed version: -webkit-user-select.

What does select do in CSS?

The user-select property specifies whether the text of an element can be selected. In web browsers, if you double-click on some text it will be selected/highlighted. This property can be used to prevent this.

1 Answers

That's a weird bug which I haven't yet investigated where it comes from.
It might warrant a bug report, but note I could repro from M50, which means it will probably not be considered high priority.

For the time being, you can workaround this by clearing the document's Selection before calling the select method:

document.querySelectorAll('input').forEach( elem => {
  elem.onclick = (evt) => {
    getSelection().removeAllRanges(); // clear all selection
.buggy * {
  user-select: none;

.buggy input {
  margin-top: 10px;
  user-select: text;
<input type='text' value='normal input'/>
<div class='buggy'>
    <input type='text' value='buggy input'/>
like image 162
Kaiido Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 06:11
