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Including reusable blocks from a template into another template

I would like to use a reusable block from a template in my another templates. How can I do that? More specifically:

I have a template views/main.scala.html containing this tag

@logo_header = {
    <div id="logo-container">

an I have another template views/errors/notFound.scala.html where I would like to include the logo_header tag from main template. I try @main.logo_header, or @main.logo_header() but the compile always says:

value logo_header is not a member of object views.html.main

I have looked in the official documentation where they describe including, but I can't understand why it not works.

like image 893
Jan Krakora Avatar asked Apr 27 '13 09:04

Jan Krakora

People also ask

How do you manage reusable blocks?

To manage your blocks, click on the add block button and then locate the Reusables tab. You'll see a link to manage your reusable blocks page. Clicking on the link will bring you to block management page. From here, you can edit, delete, export, and import your blocks.

What is reusable block?

The Reusable Block allows you to save a block or group of blocks which you can later use in any post or page on your site. If you are often adding the same content to the same block or group of blocks, using the Reusable Block will save you time and effort.

1 Answers

You've done something slightly different to the usage mentioned in the documentation. In the documentation, the reusable tag is declared in its own file. What you're trying to do is declare a helper function in one view template and then try to call it from another template. As mentioned in this answer, a function is only visible to the view template in which it was declared.

What you need to do is move your logo header markup out into its own file:


<div id="logo-container">

Then reference it as follows:



I've given the new file a name with a leading underscore as this is a common naming convention that marks the file out as containing a snippet of HTML rather than a full HTML document.

Finally, I've assumed that your logo header snippet doesn't need to take in any arguments. If it does, you can sprinkle in some Scala as mentioned in the documentation:


@(arg1: String, arg2: String)
<div id="logo-container">


    _logo_header("foo", "bar")
like image 177
avik Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 02:10
