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Include zero frequencies in frequency table for Likert data




I have a dataset with responses to a Likert item on a 9pt scale. I would like to create a frequency table (and barplot) of the data but some values on the scale never occur in my dataset, so table() removes that value from the frequency table. I would like it instead to present the value with a frequency of 0. That is, given the following dataset

# Assume a 5pt Likert scale for ease of example
data <- c(1, 1, 2, 1, 4, 4, 5)

I would like to get the following frequency table without having to manually insert a column named 3 with the value 0.

1 2 3 4 5 
3 1 0 2 1

I'm new to R, so maybe I've overlooked something basic, but I haven't come across a function or option that gives the desired result.

like image 560
ThomasH Avatar asked Dec 04 '12 14:12


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2 Answers


tabular produces frequency tables while table produces contingency tables. However, to get zero frequencies in a one-dimensional contingency table as in the above example, the below code still works, of course.

This question provided the missing link. By converting the Likert item to a factor, and explicitly specifying the levels, levels with a frequency of 0 are still counted

data <- factor(data, levels = c(1:5))

produces the desired output

like image 61
ThomasH Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 02:11


table produces a contingency table, while tabular produces a frequency table that includes zero counts.

# [1] 3 1 0 2 1

Another way (if you have integers starting from 1 - but easily modifiable for other cases):

setNames(tabulate(data), 1:max(data))  # to make the output easier to read
# 1 2 3 4 5 
# 3 1 0 2 1 
like image 31
lebatsnok Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 02:11
